Getting To Know You (Chapter 3)

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A/N: Hey guys! Sorry that I've been gone for ages cause of school but I couldn't stop listening to 7/27! OMG it's literally dope. You see what I did there 😂😏. God Lauren's voice is 😍. I'm also gonna do another Lauren/You story which is called Drummer Girl which will be out after this fanfic! Anyway, enough of my rambling and on with the chapter! Enjoy!

(Y/N) P.O.V
Shifting uncomfortable in the passenger seat of the black van, Taylor was making small talk with the girl band as I just kept my mouth shut. After meeting the girls, Ally and Sean thought that it would be a great idea to go to a restaurant to celebrate Taylor and I's win. So here I am, in the middle of a Norminah sandwich as Taylor was in in the middle of Camren sandwich behind me where Ally had the honours of sitting in the front.

"So what do you like to do in your free time (Y/N)?" Ally questioned me which pulled me out of my trance from being in such a heavenly sandwich with the two prettiest girls from Fifth Harmony. Well, there is also Lauren but I don't call her pretty. I call her drop dead gorgeous!

Whoa there (Y/L/N)!

"Well, I usually play drums to pass the time but I also like to listen to music most of the time." I replied with no hesitation hinted in my voice. After a couple of seconds of silence, it was interrupted by what I would like to call my Green Eyed Goddess.

"Wait you drum?" Her voice was laced with shock which only made her husky voice more sexy than it already was. God, what would it sound like if she moaned. That would be heaven.

Shaking my head from the inappropriate thoughts that swirled within my mind, I nodded to confirm her accusation.

"Yeah. You could say that it helped me build up my muscle." I flexed a bit to prove my point and I swore that I heard her breathing hitch.

"Damn girl! You got some pecks! Go ahead and flex girl!" Normani's eyes were wide in shock which the other 4 girls had the same expression whereas Taylor just huffed irritatedly and rolled her eyes.

"Alright (Y/N). I think you'll need to stop before one of these girls faints." Taylor's light giggling seamed to pull all of the girls' trances away from my biceps and turned their attention back to the road.

Soon enough the black van, that we were all squished in, came to an abrupt stop, causing us to take off our seat belts as we arrived at our destination.

Getting out of the vehicle, I grabbed Normani's hand to help her out of the van as I didn't want her to get hurt.

What? Can't I be a Gentleman?

"Thanks" Normani beamed towards my direction while I just returned with a small smile as a reply. Once I helped her, I moved my attention towards Lauren who was currently getting out of the back of the vehicle.

Without hesitation, I laced my hand with hers as I helped her out of the stand still van. Her ocean green eyes locked with my (Y/E/C) orbs once she was now fully out in the open.

My breathing seemed to hitch as her eyes flicked down to my lips before reconnecting our eyes once more but fiercely attacking her bottom lip with her gleaming white teeth.

I seemed to mirror her exact actions as I took a glance at her pink plump lips that I so badly wanted to be pushed up onto mine. I had to restrain myself so bad before I lost all control and took Lauren right here, right now. If you know what I mean...

A slight Cold breeze interrupted our intense gaze which I was grateful for or I would of pushed Lauren back into the van and did unspeakable things with her. I might be rough in bed but I would go gentle if Lauren ask for it. Wait what am I thinking? Lauren will never like me that way.

"Well earlier said other ways as she was glancing at your lips" My thoughts that roamed in my head bumped in which gave me this small little bit of hope that Lauren might like me. But I couldn't help the small doubt inside.

I mean, I'm just a BackUp Dancer.

"So Taylor, where about do you and          (Y/N) come from cause obviously your accent is very..." Dinah trailed off as she thought of the right word to use. We were siting in the restaurant as we ate our meals, accompanied by a comfortable conversation.

We sat in a large booth which was in a semi-circle shape which I was surprise that we all fit in. From left to right sat, Sean, Normani, Ally, Dinah, Taylor, Camila, Myself then Lauren who was on my left.

"Different?" I bumped into the conversation as I questioned Dinah who was still struggling to find the right word to find until she was nodding her head frantically toward me.

"That's it!" She confirmed my answer which I just chuckled slightly. Taylor placed her cutlery down as she answered the question.

"Well me and (Y/N) come from England but if your wondering where about, it's in the south. We lived about an hour away from London." If I wasn't wrong, I would say that Dinah would of thought that Taylor's smile was sparkling in the light as her face reflected the beaming smile she was giving off.

Lauren's green orbs where in a trance of wonder at the new information which I couldn't help but think it was cute as her plump pink lips were in a subtle 'O' formation. I had to restrain myself from leaning in and kissing her right then and there.

"So what type of music do you like (Y/N)?" Camila intervened Dinah and Taylor's small staring contest as well as pulling me out of my trance from the green eyed beauty sitting next to me.

Clearing my throat slightly, I felt their eyes all capture my attention.

"I don't really have a type. I have type of mood swings in my music taste. One day I can like Pop and then the next I can like Metal but I would have to say I like the 1975 and also Sam Tsui even though he isn't a signed artist." I answered with as much detail that I could muster.

A burning sensation ran through my left side of my head like somebody was staring at me and when I turned my head round, my accusations were correct.

The green eyed beauty was staring at me.

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