For You. My Lady (Chapter 8)

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A/N: I hope you enjoyed the last chapter! I have to say that this has been one of my most successful books and I'm very happy that you guys like it. By the way, updates are gonna be slow cause school has just started back up for me and being in a year where I do exams doesn't help so please bear with me! Enjoy!

Lauren's P.O.V

Oh God. I don't know what to do.

I was currently getting ready for my date that I was having with (Y/N) but I was having some trouble picking something to wear.

"Hey Lauren! You almost done?" I heard Dinah's booming voice outside the door. Wait Dinah! Maybe she can help me.

"Um...No. Can you come in here please!" My voice seemed to reach her as I heard the slight creak coming from the door which notified me that she was coming in. Dinah's gasp seemed to echo through the room.

"Girl! What are you doing!? (Y/N) will be here any minute and you haven't gotten dressed." The Polynesian scolded me. I soon found an interest with the floor as I heard her footsteps reach my wardrobe.

"Let me guess. You don't know what to wear." Shyly, I nodded my head. Dinah's sigh once again echoed throughout the room.

"Well, is it formal wear? Casual? Give me something to work with Lauser." Dinah seemed to become impatient so I gave her the small word of Casual to 'work' with. (Y/N) didn't tell me anything what our date was gonna be or what it was. All she said was to dress comfortably. I also thank the Lord that I don't have to dress up nicely as it was something like 30 degrees C. Quite hot if you as me.

"There you go Lauren! One outfit for ya." Dinah smiled at her work and I couldn't help but feel impressed by her work in such small time. There was a pair of ripped white short shorts which was accompanied with one of our black 'Fifth Harmony' hoodies and a pair of black high top converse to finish the look off. (Pic above)

Putting the clothes on, I rolled up the hoodie slightly to show of my stomach a little. Not to much but not to little. Just enough for (Y/N) to see. Wait what?

I was brung out of my daze by the door bell ringing. That must be (Y/N). I couldn't help but feel my heart race at the thought of her standing there, in all of her perfection waiting for me.

As I neared the top of the stairs, I heard the low rumble of (Y/N)'s voice and Dinah chuckling at something she must of said. My hands started to sweat with my anxiety, Ok Lauren. Just walk down these stairs.

When I was walking down the stairs, (Y/N)'s attention was now on me and she seemed starstruck as I descended from the stairs. Her mouth was slightly agape but was soon closed as I was near enough.

"You'll catch flies if you're not careful." My giggle seemed to fill the room as (Y/N) turned a comic shade of red. I couldn't help but take in what she was wearing and God damn did she look good.

Her well sculptured chest was clad in a white button up shirt which was covered with a dark black/blue sweater. Her muscular legs were tighly wrapped in her dark blue jeans and what I would say a pair of old worn out converse to complete the look. Wait is that a black jacket? God this girl has got style.

Her hands were covered in jewellery such as vibrant rings that were dotted around her fingers. Her (Y/C/H) locks looked like they were swept back beautifully by somebody's hand which I would assume it was (Y/N)'s. (Pic below)

After a couple of seconds of checking her out, I mean outfit, she broke our silence with a;

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After a couple of seconds of checking her out, I mean outfit, she broke our silence with a;

"You look stunning." Her sexy British accent was coming out more which only made it harder for me to hold in a groan of arousal that arose within me.

"Thank you." The slight hue of pink started to form around my cheeks as (Y/N)'s smirk was prominent on her face. My gaze met the floor until I saw a single white rose in my sight.

Raising my head, (Y/N) stood there with the most charming smile I've ever seen and it made my stomach do flips that I never thought it could.

"For you. My lady." I took the rose from her hand and inspected it carefully. It was perfect. Bringing it in towards my chest, my smile only grew wider and I bit my lip once I saw (Y/N) smile ear to ear.

"Cmon love birds. You can suck each other's faces off once you're at your date." Dinah ushered us towards the door and I couldn't help the heat form on my cheeks. I noticed that (Y/N)'s cheeks also did as well. I almost forgot Dinah was in the same room as us. Nice way to ruin the moment Dinah.

"Enjoy your date you two. Don't do anything I wouldn't!" Dinah shouted from the door step as me and (Y/N) walked hand in hand towards her car.

"Don't worry Dinah. We won't!" (Y/N) retaliated. Once we approached her car, she quickly opened the door for me which surprised me greatly. Gently, I smiled at her with all the gratitude I could sum up with.

"Why thank you. Such a gentlewomen." I smirked towards her and her cheeks had flared up a deep colour of scarlet.

"What can I say, I'm British." She rubbed the nape of her neck anxiously. Shutting the door, she quickly made her way to her side and started up the car.

Let's see what you've got in store for me (Y/L/N).

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