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This damn snow, I think to myself as I look out the window of my flat. It's snowed almost two feet in the last six hours, and the whole street is snowed in. Which shouldn't really be a problem for me, except the electricity in my building flickered out about half an hour ago, and my laptop died.

I glance out the window again, this time noticing movement in the backyard next to mine. I squint through the icy glass. There is a man-probably around my age- wrapped in heavy winter clothes, complete with a lion-printed scarf. What the hell is he doing out there in the frozen tundra?

He's building a damn snowman. Oh, not just one snowman- an army of snowmen. And I have to admit... It kind of looks like fun.

I sit there for a few minutes longer, trying to decide if I want to go out there or not. It is still snowing, after all, and it's freezing outside. But then again, it's also starting to freeze in here, since the heating's out.

Fuck it, I decide as I go to put on my winter clothes.

I slowly make my way to the fence seperating each of our buildings' backyards. I peek over cautiously, suddenly nervous. What am I doing? I don't know this guy! I turn to go back inside, but then thought better of it.

I turn around one more time, this time pausing to grab a handful of snow. As I peek over the fence again, thankful that the boy doesn't see me, I lob the snowball over the fence, missing him but hitting one of the snowmen square in the face. The boy turns around. "Shit!" I curse as I duck out of sight. I grab another handful of snow.

After a moment, I peek over the tall fence again. I aim carefully, and release. Perfect! I'd hit him right in his back. Yes, I realize that I am being a little shit, but I don't even care.

"Oi! Who threw that?!" The boy yells, and I snicker behind my glove. I stand up so he could see my head poking over the fence. I sent him a smirk right before throwing another snowball... This one hit him on his shoulder.

His eyes widen in surprise before narrowing playfully. He smiles crookedly. He has a beautiful smile, I catch myself thinking.

"So you think you can defeat me?" he shouts. "I have an army of snowmen! You have a few snowballs." He motions around him, to his four (and a half) snowmen in various stages of completion. One is lacking arms. One has only one eye. Two are completely finished, but the last one is only half done. It's nothing more than two giant snowballs stacked on top of each other.

"This is war!" I shout back before sprinting around to the gate so I could stand on his side of the fence. "Surrender now or you and your army will be annihilated!"

He answered me with a snowball the the face.

I grin, wiping my eyes and reaching for more snow. Soon enough, we're having a full-blown snow war, with him ducking behind his snowmen army for cover and me trying to seek shelter behind a tree or the fence. I have no idea how long our war lasted.

"Alright!" I heard him shout from behind his last snowman. "You win!"

"What?" I yell back, slightly out of breath from running. "Is this an official defeat?!" I drop my remaining snowball.

"I surrender," he whines, standing and holding out his hands. "I can't feel my fingers anymore. You win."

"Damn right, I win," I grin, doing a sort of little victory dance in the snow. "What's my prize?" I question. I guess I hadn't really thought this through; a snowball fight just seemed like a good idea at the time.

"Er... Coffee at my place?" He asks as I make my way towards him. "I'm pretty sure the electricity is back on by now."

"Got any hot chocolate instead?" I hear my stomach growl faintly.

"Of course! With little marshmallows!" As we make our way to his flat, he grabs my hand tentatively. I feel a blush form on my cheeks as I look over to him questioningly.

"Just trying to keep our hands warm," he spoke quietly before letting go of my fingers.

"Uh-huh. Sure you were," I grab his hand again. It feels nice. I like it.

"I... I don't think I ever caught your name," he says, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

"Oh, Dan," I say as he opens the door for me. I'm met with a rush of warmth as I step inside.

"Dan." It's like he's testing the name out, rolling it off his tongue and applying it to me. "I'm Phil."

I grab his hand again once we've taken our gloves off. His fingers are like icicles. "Phil, can I ask you something?"

"Sure. What is it?" He is looking down at our hands again, and suddenly I'm nervous. I almost chicken out. But he's waiting for me to ask, so I take a deep breath and go for it.

"Do you want to go out with me sometime?" I hold my breath as I wait for his answer.

He smiles. "Dan," he says as the elevator doors open, "I'd love to go out with you sometime."

I can't stop grinning as we make our way to his floor. I guess this snow storm was the best thing that could have happened.

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