The second line

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              I wake up with a start ,sweating. Clutching my head as if it would come off ,as a feeling of terrible grief over came me. The sound was soft then louder as I bawled. I stifled my cry's with a pillow as I clutched it to my chest. My eyes were open, tears spilling on my face. My heart physically and emotional hurt. It felt as if it had been pulled out of my chest then forced back in and healed wrong. Beating wrong. I close my eyes trying to remember the dream that caused such pain to my being. All I saw was blackness in the memories of my dreams. I opened my eyes up once again and took a deep breath. Trying to calm myself. I looked around my room reminding myself that I was here in the present not in the place of the dream. That the blue wallpaper was real and the furniture, pictures, and myself was real. The dream is not. My breathing slowed as I calmed down. I wipe my  face with my arm to get rid of any evidence I'd have been crying. The sounds of breakfast was heard being made downstairs, signaling the start of the day. I made my way downstairs through the halls to the staircase. Pausing every now and then to look at the pictures on the walls to remind myself of what was and was not real. My cat greeted me as I walked down the stairs with a meow. I smiled at her, she was an old cat but always seemed to try to ignore it. I lived with my uncles and sister. My mother died giving birth to me, and my father died of alcohol poisoning. I walked into the kitchen and set at the breakfast bar. "Morning" said my uncle Finn. I waved at him not trusting my voice after the episode upstairs. My other uncle, Eli was to entranced in the paper that seem to be in a foreign language. I raised my hand and pointed at the paper and made a sound that caught uncle Eli's attention." Hmm this?" He shakes the paper "just the Chinese newspaper, talking about some strange phenomenon that's all". I nodded my head to indicate I heard him, and uncle Eli looked at me worriedly. He seemed about to ask what was wrong, but then Uncle Finn dished the breakfast on  to my plate. " We have a kinda sort of a surprise for you kid" uncle Finn said. I looked up questioningly at him with a fork full of eggs in my mouth. " Well actually your uncle Eli planned it" as Finn gestured over to Eli. Eli cleared his throat and shifted in his seat "Well,yes, I did, anyways it's a summer trip in a sense" he finished. I finish eating my fork full of eggs"what type of summer trip?" I asked glad that my voice had returned back to normal. " it's up in Oregon, I have a cabin up there in a town called Twin Pines, and I thought about putting it to some use. So I though what's better than to bring my niece and nephew with my brother up there for the summer." He paused and looked at me"what do you think? ".  I pondered it for a moment, and realized that getting away from the hot bustling city of  New York seem like a good choice."sure it sounds great, but what about Val?". My sister was a professor at a community collage, she rarely had time off to come home and when she did it was usually with school work or on the holiday breaks."I already called her up and she's made future planning so she'll be free for a whole summer, I think she said something about taking up sick days?, I don't know" Uncle Finn responded. " so when do we leave?" I asked. " Well we leave tomorrow after your last day of school" uncle Eli said. I dropped my fork and looked at them with a shocked face."Tomorrow!! And you tell me without any fore warning! I have to pack!"I rush off upstairs leaving the half eaten breakfast on the table. " That kid, I swear is just like you when you were younger Eli" " oh shut up Finn". Both older men laughed at each other.

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