Chapter 8

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"Are you sure you want to do this Liam?" Niall asks quietly as Liam searches his contacts for Danielle's number.

"Yeah. If management wants to start a war, then it's a war they will get."

Niall sighs but nods, "Okay mate."

Liam pulls up Danielle's number, and calls hastily before his nerves can convince him to hang up.


"Hello? It's Liam"

Nothing. A deep breath is taken over the phone, and Liam sighs.

"I'm not calling to ask for you back, necessarily. I need a favor."

"It's just good to hear from you. What do you need?" Danielle asks cautiously

"I need you to pretend to be my girlfriend."


"My girlfriend. Pretend."

She laughs, "Why?"

"Management is making Harry date Cara Delvigne to raise our popularity, and Harry's doing it to make me jealous. I want to do the same."

She laughs again, "Sure, why not?"

Niall high fives him, and Liam smiles.

"Great. I'll take you out at 8 then?"

She smiles, but he can't see how happy she is, "Yeah. I'll be ready."

"K, thanks love."

He hangs up and smiles at Niall,

"Where are you going to take her?" Niall asks as he shoves a few chips in his mouth

"The most popular restaurant in London of course. Well, one of them."

"The Ledbury then?"

Liam nods as he walks into his closet, pulling out a crisp suit.


Liam nods, "Gotta do this right. Tweet about our date please."

Niall nods, pulling up Twitter on Liam's phone.


Going out to dinner with the lovely @DaniellePeazer xx"

Niall laughs as his tweet gets thousands of retweets and comments instantly. But he locks the phone, and puts it on the bed.

Niall frowns as his phone begins to ring, and Harry's picture appears.

"It's Harry.."

Liam stops shuffling through his clothes and looks at the phone.

He picks it up slowly and answers,


"What the hell are you doing?!" Harry shouts from the other line.

Liam winces, "Looking through clothes with Niall."

"You know thats not what I mean! What are you doing with Danielle!?" Harry screams again, and Liam feels the tears build up in his chest.

"Going on a d-date." He whispers

Harry sighs as he hears the tremble in Liam's voice, he knows Liam hates to be yelled at. Liam looks over to Niall, but Niall has left the room to give them a bit of privacy.

"I'm sorry babe.. I'll stop ye-"

"Don't call me that.." Liam sniffles


"Don't call me babe... We aren't together... You're going out with Cara, and I'm taking Danielle to dinner.. Nothing more, nothing less.."

Harry sighs again, running a hand through his hair before speaking again, "Liam... I'm sorry.. I-"

"Don't... Liam interrupts him.. Please don't... I'm hanging up now..." He hangs up the phone and sinks to the ground.

He curls into a ball and sobs into his knees quietly. Niall comes in slowly, and sighs as he sees Liam on the floor.

He picks up Liam's phone, and puts Harry's number in the "Block" list, so he won't be able to call anymore.

He picks Liam up, struggling a little, but Liam wraps his arms around Niall's neck and cries silently, as Niall carries his body down to the couch and turns on a few cartoons for Liam to watch as he makes dinner.

Niall sighs as he watches Liam's blank face stare at the tv, "It's gonna be rough. But I'm going to help you get over him." he whispers to Liam

"You can't. I'll never get over him." Liam answers, staring blankly at the tv.


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