Chapter 9

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*A couple weeks later*

"Hello?" Liam answers his phone sadly

"Li?" Liam's heart stops as he hears Harry's voice on the other end.

He hangs up, and shuts off his phone swiftly.

Niall comes in with the tea, and frowns. "That bastard called you again didn't he?"

Liam sighs quietly, "He's not a bastard Ni.. I'm sure he's hurt too."

"Why isn't he acting like it then?" Niall growls, putting the tea on the endtable.

"I dont know.. but let him move on.. maybe it'll be easier for me to move on as well." Liam says, picking up his phone turning it on.

"Let's go see him. Invite all the guys over, movie night?" Niall suggests, he knows Liam wants to see Harry.

Liam offers him a small smile. "Sure."

After a few minutes of deliberation, all the guys agree to surprise Harry with a visit at his flat. Louis brings a bunch of movies, and Zayn has two bags full of snacks.

When they've all gathered out front of Harry's, Louis throws open the door and they all rush in happily.

"Surprise!! Movie night with all the-"

Liam stops in his tracks as he watches Harry rip his lips from Cara's, and a horrified expression overcomes his face.


Liam swallows the lump in his throat and smiles, "Hey lad. We came over to watch movies and hang out. You two in?"

Niall, Zayn, Harry and Louis stare at him bewildered, mouths agape.

"Uh- Yeah." Cara smiles, climbing off of Harry's lap.

"Awesome." Louis says clearing his throat. "I've got a ton of movies. Zayn's got snacks."

Cara smiles and Harry just stares at Liam, who avoids his gaze completely.

They settle on 'Twilight', after Cara and Louis spend almost an hour arguing about how much they both love it.

"Twilight!" They squeal, cuddling in eachothers' arms.

Zayn groans and Liam chuckles as the movie starts and Harry excuses himself.

"I'll go get glasses. And order the pizza" Liam announces, walking into the kitchen. He notices that Harry changed nothing about their old kitchen.

The glasses still arranged in the same order, plates and all.

He sighs and grabs 6 cups, and plates for everyone, and calls for the pizza. Just as he's leaving the kitchen, Harry stumbles in.

Liam looks at his red face, and green eyes rimmed with red. He frowns as Harry hastily rubs away the tears.


"Don't." Harry growls, and Liam scowls.

"Whatever." He spits, walking out of the kitchen.

He sits next to Niall on the floor and leans his head on his shoulder, as he shoves down the tears threatening to spill over.

If Harry didn't want to talk to him, fine. He wouldn't try to talk to him.

Niall wraps his arm around him, and Liam feels the weight of today's sorrows, and slowly falls asleep.

Niall looks over at Harry, and watches as Harry pulls Cara into his arms. He frowns and turns his attention back to the movie.

He feels Liam tremble in his arms, lightly mumbling Harry's name. He feels his shoulder dampen, and struggles to pick Liam up.

"I'm taking him home." Niall says, staring directly into Harry's eyes.

"Alright. We'll see you guys tomorrow at soundcheck before the tour." Louis says, and Zayn waves silently. Harry says nothing, and Cara smiles opening the door for him.

"See you guys." He says and smiles at Cara, as he puts Liam in the backseat and wraps the seatbelt around his thinning waist.

While he makes the short drive to Liam's flat, he thinks about all the things he bit back. All the things he as waiting to spit in Harry's face.

Why was Harry so diligent in flaunting his new relationship all over Twitter and Instagram.

At first, he knew i was just for show. Just for management, but now he can see the love he has for Cara. He sees how he looks at her, and it disgusts him.

While Liam writes songs and helps the band grow successful, Harry runs around with Cara. Missing vocal practices.

While Liam reads all of the hate he gets sent about still loving Harry, when clearly Harry didn't want him.

He remembers reading a tweet from a fan saying, "So @Real_Liam_Payne. When are you going to get over Harry? It's been almost a month now. He doesn't want you. Get over it."

Several others worse than that. Others saying how hideous Liam is, and how 'sexy' Harry is.

He cringes at the memory, and frowns. All Harry gets is encouragement, and good tweets about he and Cara.

He sighs as he pulls up in Liam's driveway. He picks up a still sleeping Liam slowly, and walks over to the door, struggling to open it. When he gets it open he makes his way up to the bedroom, and slips his shirt over his head, and tugs off his pants. He slides a pair of shorts on Liam's body.

He pauses to look at Liam's body and his jaw falls open.

Liam's ribs are exposed, and his hipbones are visibly protruding from his waist.

This is out of control! He thinks to himself as Liam stirs. He looks up at Niall with sad, moist eyes.

"Stay with me tonight?" He begs, and Niall nods.

He pulls off his pants and shirt, tugging on a pair of Liam's shorts and a tanktop and lays next to him. Liam lays his head on Niall's chest and wraps his arms around his waist.

"Thank you.." He says in a small voice.

Niall just nods and wraps his arms around Liam's waist.


Long chapter to make up for the short one? :)

How are you guys?

Cleo xx

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