Chapter 14

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"What the fuck is wrong with you Harold?" Louis shouted in Harry's face as he looked around Harry's disheveled room.

"Cara left me!" He screamed, digging his nails in his scalp harshly.


"She's going to travel the world or some shit! She said she had fun, but she's just not ready for commitment!" He throws another chair and Louis frowns.

"So? You didn't even want to be with her."

Harry looks at him wildly and a small smile creeps onto Louis' face.

"You don't like the fact that she played you, before you could play her!" Louis cackles and Harry growls throwing a vase at the wall.

"Louis stop fucking laughing at me!"

"Stop being such an idiot." Louis giggles, "Just find a girl or guy who only wants to fuck, and you'll be fine."

"I DON'T WANT JUST ANYONE!" He shouts tugging at his hair.

"So what do you want?" Louis questions, cocking a curious eyebrow.

"I JUST WANT FUCKING LIAM! That's what I want! WHO I want! Liam James Fucking Payne!" He shouts falling to his knees, angry tears falling from his eyes.

"Well guess what jackass. It's too late for that." Louis frowns, staring down at him. "All you had to do was try. You could've tried to have even a secret relationship with him. But you gave up, and practically flaunted how happy you were about your date with Cara. You fucked it up by kissing her and cuddling her in front of him."

Harry looks up at him with large green puppy eyes, and Louis scoffs.

"Not this time. You screwed this up Harry. Live with your consequences."

Harry frowns slightly, but sighs as he sees Louis check his phone.

"Just go Louis. I'm gonna clean up. Tell El I said hi, yeah?"

Louis smiles sadly for his bestfriend. He can see how broken he's been, disguising all his sadness in anger.

"Yeah. Love you Harry."

Harry smiles warmly, "Love you too Boo."

"Cone give Boo Bear a hug." He coos stretching his little arms widely for his giant bestfriend.

He stands quickly and shuffles into Louis' arms, inhaling his scent.

"Thanks for coming to see me Lou. Zayn didn't want to come. He hates seeing me angry."

"I know. I'll always be here for you Hazz. He's there for you mentally, I'll be here mentally and physically always."

He lets Harry go, and waves before walking out.

Harry sighs as grabs his phone from the counter and plugs it into the large stereo near the tv. He plays his playlist full of American rappers and singers and gets to cleaning.

After about an hour all of the major cleaning is done. All of the chair pieces are gathered and put into a large plastic bag with all the glass.

He grabs the broom from under the couch and stops when he sees a picture of Liam. He frowns as he feels his heart swell.

It's a picture of Liam on the TMH tour staring into Harry's eyes with a large bright smile on his face. He remembers taking that picture right after singing 'One Thing'.

He sighs and takes the picture to his bedroom, putting it in his pants drawer under Liam's favorite pair of trousers.

He sighs and pulls all of his pictures of he and Liam from the drawer. He spreads them along the bed and stares longingly at 'Lirry'.

Louis was right. He failed Liam. He let management separate them. Liam deserves Niall. Niall will make him happy.

He has to let him go and move on. A tear falls down his cheek and he wipes it away furiously, sucking in a deep breath.


Hey guys how are you? Sorry if this is short, but I'm writing on the way to my college class. I have to take a test so I can take another class in Spring :/

How old are you guys?


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