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Guys please tell me if you all are liking it. I really appreciate that some of you are reading it but I need to know if it is good or not to keep my work going. Please...

Thanks :) here's the new one!


I decided to stay at Emma's house today. I had texted Mum that I'll be staying here and she allowed me. The reason is that I wanted to stay away from Harry as long as possible. I couldn't face him. If I met him again he'll probably try to continue the conversation I had left him with and I was not ready to tell him.

We were now in Emma's room on her bed, watching movies. She had ordered pizza and we were eating it.

"Won't you ever tell Harry that you love him?" Emma broke the silence. "I don't know." I replied sadly, taking the last bite of pizaa slice in my hand.

She was again focused on the movie while I was still thinking about Harry. He had never left my mind, even for a second.

"Em I want to sleep." I said and pulled the covers up. And I don't know when I fell asleep.


When I woke up next morning, I saw Emma's arm wrapped around my waist as she was hugging me from the back. It may seem weird but she was my best friends and she really cared for me and I loved her for that.

I pushed her hand away slowly so she won't wake up. "Good morning." She mumbled squinting her eyes because of the sudden light. "Good morning." I smile at her.

"How are you feeling?" She asks. "I'm good." I half smiled and slipped out of the bed.

When we both were awake and had done our business we walk downstairs. We ate pancakes with coffee. I was putting plates by the sink when the doorbell rang. Emma walked away to open the door.

I followed her once I was done with the dishes and saw Dylan and Brandon.

"Look who's here." Brandon smirks and nudges Dylan with his elbow. He probably knew that Dylan liked me. Sometimes I feel bad because he is so nice and caring and he also likes me but I can't like him back because of that idiot who doesn't give a damn about me.

"Margaret!" Dylan exclaims as he hugged me. Emma was standing with Brandon wrapping her arm around his waist.

Why can't I be like that with Harry? I thought.

"But I'm not talking to you girl." He says coldly but jokingly crossing his arms over his chest. I look at him in confusion. What did I do?

"What? Why?" I ask, confused.

"You didn't tell me you have a boyfriend." He gave me suspicious look.

"Me? Boyfriend?" I ask in surprise. I don't remember having a boyfriend.

"Yes you Margaret." He says a smirk playing on his lips. "If I have then tell me who is it?" I chuckled. He was joking because I don't have a boyfriend. I never had.

"Harry." He says and my eyes were about to bulge out of my sockets.

"Ha-Harry? Who said that to you?"

"Well Harry told me that he is your boyfriend." He says. I just can't believe what I'm hearing. Harry? My boyfriend? He told him that? Why? I'm not his girlfriend. He never said so I mean he barely looks at me. Where was that coming from?

"W-when?" I asked focusing my eyes on him.

"I met him yesterday in the coffee shop and he warned me to stay away from you because he is your boyfriend." Dylan finished and my mouth fell open with shock? Anger? Happiness? I don't know.

"I'm so sorry Dylan but that's certainly not true." I say, embarrassed.

"It's okay Margaret. I understand." He smiled and I sighed in relief. He was not angry with me. He was too nice.

"I gotta go. See ya later. Bye Em and Brandon!" I shouted grabbing my phone and rushing past Dylan. I flung the door open and ran outside. Anger was boiling in me. Why the hell he said that to Dylan?

I ran to my house. Now I was on the front step. I unlocked the door and ran inside. There was no one in the living room or kitchen. I climbed upstairs. I knocked the door of his room with much force. I was continuously knocking.

"Coming!" He yelled. Then he opened the door and I instantly forgot all the anger, all the hate and all the words I was thinking of saying him but I put myself together.

As I walked in he stepped back. "What is it?" He asked.

"Who do you think you are Harry? What makes you think that you should go to my friend and warn him about staying away from me? I have never told you to stay away from that  idiot blondie you take coffee with everyday! Then why would you do this? Can't you stop confusing me with your actions and words?" I barked on his face. He didn't say anything but he was looking in my eyes.

"Tell me Harry! I'm tired of all this. One day you're taking care of me and the other day all of a sudden you want to stay from me. One day you dance with me like there is no one else around and the other day you pretend that you don't even know me! You've got to tell me today!" I snarled but he still didn't say anything. Tears were threatening to fall from my eyes.

I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him closer to me. "Tell me Harry! For God sake stop hurting me. What do you want??" He was still a statue looking in my eyes.

"You know what? Just don't ever show me your face again or talk to me or to my friends. If you can't tell me then I can't talk to you. You just love hurting me!" And with that I released his collar and ran to the door.

I slam the door of my room shut, tears rolling down my cheeks. I want to say that I hate him for hurting me but I can't. I just hate the way I love him...


Its a bit short but hope you will like it and Please comment guys and let me know what you all think of it. Please guysss.... Thanks again who read it so far.

All the love as always. :) x

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