C H A P T E R 35

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That's song 👏👏👌👌👌

Faiths pov....

I stood there confused as fuck. What did I do? Sam just taught me how to skate board. I sat down to call someone.

I called my mom and she's coming in a few minutes to pick me up.
I tested my head in between my legs for a few seconds when I was tapped on the shoulder.i turned around ready to beat them with my board. He backed up hands up in surrender.

"Woah there..." he said almost toppling over.

"Omg I'm so sorry." I laughed.

"It's cool...so where's your brothers?" Um....damn.

"Um they were my friends..." awkward silence washed over us.
He scooted closer and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.
"Tell me about yourself, faith." He looked in the distance.
Mom.... where are you!?

"Oh um...I'm 14 with a 17 year old brother...- " I was cut off by mom's horn thank fucking Jesus!!!

"Bye baby." He winked and bit his bottom lip at me...ew....that's disgusting..

I slumped in my seat and closed my eyes for the ride.

Kayce pov....

I woke up cuddled into Gabriel's chest on the couch. I wiggled out of his grip and checked on brooklyn.
I opened her door and she was still sleeping . I sat beside her and kissed her temples. I woke her up to get her ready.

"Get up." I whispered . I got nothing.
I say it a few more times then I got an idea.

"Brooklyn if you get up right now I'll buy you Starbucks when ever you want." She jolted up slamming my forehead with Hers.

We both rub our heads and laugh uncontrollably.
"I want a vanilla bean frappe Madame." She commanded. Damn why did I say Starbucks.

"Okay but get ready we are going to the beach today." Her eyes lit up and I grabbed my flip-flops. Since Gabriel was sleeping I left him and went to get everyone Starbucks.

  Brooklyn pov...

I got into the shower and did everything I needed to do.i got out and put on my strapless maroon top with fringes ane my white bottoms.i grabbed my black tank top with my burnt orange lace shorts and my brown and gold sandals. I did two French braids and packed my beach bag.

I went downstairs and saw Gabriel ready to go and watching iCarly. (I still like this show lol)

I sat down on the far side of the couch and watched the program. A few minutes and icarly was over and big time rush came on.( I'm obsessed with this show again...)

It was the episode that they sing boyfriend!! My fave song!!

I sang along.

Have you ever had the feeling your drawn to someone yeah
And there isn't anything they could've said or done
And everyday I see ya on your own and I can't believe that your alone
But I overheard your girls and this is what they said
Your looking for a
Your looking for that
Your looking for a boyfriend
I see that,give me time you know I'm gonna be there
Dont be scared to come put your trust in me can't you see all I really want to be your boyfriend can't fight that let me down you know I'm coming right back I don't  care at all what you done before all I really want to be is your  your boy boy b-b-b-b- boyfriend

I look over and Gabriel's eyes are burning through my skin . I turn all the way around to look at him and he quickly turn and watch btr. When I look at the TV I can feel his stare on me again . It makes me uncomfortable but I try to ignore until kayce comes back.

After the song ended kayce walks through the door with my Starbucks.

"Starbucks ... peasant." I motioned her to give it to me. She rolled her eyes and gave me my frappe.

I watch as another episode of btr appears on the screen . I am rudely interrupted by the sound of lips smacking...ew....gross..
"Hey go somewhere else where there aren't other people." I scoffed. They looked mad but I dont care . I like to watch my shows in peace.

"Okay brooklyn Gabriel y'all ready to go?!"  We both yelled back yeah .I sat in the back of her Jeep and watched as palm trees sway back and forth in the warm wind of Cali.

As we approached the beach I could smell the bitter salt water that is going to sting up my nose in a few minutes.

We pick a good spot close but not to close to the water. Me and kayce caked ourselves in sunscreen because we burn...we don't tan.

"Brooklyn..kayce come in the water!" Gabriel yelled from the water.
Kayce looked over to me and we both stood up and went into the semi warm water.
We hung out and talked about random things. Gabriel held my hand where kayce couldn't see and it was nice tbh. I miss his touch.. wait what? Brooklyn  no you hate Gabriel. Stop thinking about him . I pulled my hand away from him and he looked at me for a split second. He actually looked hurt. Oh damn well. I got out to dry off. We've been her for a few hours so I'm ready to go home.

We made it home and I collapsed on the couch. I turned the TV on and catfish was on so I watched it til I was tired of watching people being lied to. I changed it to gravity falls and it was the one when they are stuck in the gas station dusk to dawn.( Mabel in this episode tho😂😂😂)

Mabel is clearly an exact replica of me but cartoon version.right when I was about to fall asleep my phone beeped.

It was a text from mark..

Mark:  hi i-

A/n hiiiiiiii guyssssss here's another sucky chapter.....I thinking on making a j.g (jack gilinsky) fan fiction... what do y'all think?!


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