Chapter One

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Hell wasn't as hot as most people would think. Sure, the temperature always ran a little high, but those that inhabited Hell, were immune to such things.

The main city belonged to those who are not as damned as most. Or, the ones what are the most. Satan believed that those with pure evil souls deserved to be living it up in the capital. I'm sure I belong here the most.

I hate everything. I know it may sound like on of the most cliche teen things for me to say, but it's true. There's those girls that are incredibly beautiful and don't have a single flaw, and call themselves ugly. I'm not saying I'm ugly, I'm not one of those girls that puts themselves hdown for attention, I've got a ton of that already. Oh wait.... I'm not human.

How could I forget to mention that. I guess down here in Hellion, not being human is just something you get used to.

I stand with my gaze down, keeping my hands clasped in front of me, cracking my knuckles nervously.

"How dare you do such a thing? I understand that being a demon makes you rather rebellious, but this crossing the line!" His loud authoritative voice booms through the throne room, sending the rare shiver down my spine.

"Destroying a forest? You burned the entire thing to the ground!" The "man" yells, making large hand gestures.

"But father, it wasn't just me, Brooke-" I stammer. My father was probably one of the only people that scare me. Although, you really can't blame me, he's-

"I do not want to hear another word. I am taking away your powers for the next week." My father states and then swings his metaphorical arm, sucking all my Demonic powers away.

Oh, if you were wondering. My father is Satan. That's right. I'm the eldest daughter of the devil himself. One week with no powers may not seem too bad, but I can get into a lot of trouble in one week.

"I swear to Uncle God, if I get captured and I have no powers, I'm holding you accountable!" I exclaim at the cloud of smoke sitting upon the throne.

I've seen my father's face maybe once or twice in all of my one thousand five hundred and.... How many years again? Something like 73.... Anyhow, my father most commonly appeared in just a cloud of smoke that spoke for him and sat upon his throne, I don't even know where he his right now. Probably down in Tartarus or something.

His throne was made of the same shiny black metal as the palace we stood in. Specifically in the throne room, the stone walls ran along the high ceiling. Banners with dripping satanic circles painted on them in multiple colours.

When I got no snide retaliation, I turn away from the smoke, stalking out of the room. What am I to do now? With my psychotic twin sister letting me take all the blame for our crime and no Hannah to help me get out of it, I'm screwed.

I make my way through the dreadfully decorated hallways, note to self: Decorate palace. The heels of my painfully high boots clicked on the stone floors, the train of my dress dragging on the floor. I growl quietly, taking a sharp left down a torch lit corridor.

I halt, staring at the guards before me with cold hazel eyes. "Let me pass."

The double doors has a large blood lock between them, in the shape of a skull with its mouth wide open. It is made of a thick wood, with a demonic metal embedded in it, keeping out any trespassers.

"Your Majesty, you're not allowed down here today." One of the guards says, his voice shaking.

"Out of my way." My voice suddenly much more powerful, the flames of the torches flickering.

Before they could respond in anyway, I reach for my belt, the two men flinching at my movement. I pull a dagger from my waist and instead of striking them, I slice open my finger tip. I draw a far amount of blood before stepping forward. I feel myself smirking as I reach towards the skull.

I place my finger into the skulls mouth, my black blood dripping onto its tongue. After a couple moments, I pull my hand away, and just in time too, because the skull's jaw snaps shut.

The doors creak open, revealing the room beyond. It's dimly lit by torches, but this time, the fire is blue.

The room is plain otherwise, just made of a simple and solid stone, no windows. The only odd this was the pedestal in the centre of the room.

I take the few steps towards it, the two Hellhound Guards not daring to stop me. Sitting upon the pedestal is a small leather pouch. I take it without a second thought and then strut out, the doors slamming shut behind me.

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"Brooke?~ Oh Brooke?" I call, walking through the halls around our rooms. "I need to speak with you."

I hear some banging and crashing from the library just ahead. Then I see Brooke poke her head out of the doorway. My sister and I may not be identical, but we still look pretty alike.

My hair is brown colour at the roots that flows into a red colour. Her hair was a chestnut brown with blonde highlight. Both our faces were doted with freckles and she had a similar bone structure. My eyes are green hazel and her's are a blue hazel. Even if we're not identical, there no mistaking we're sisters.

"How much trouble did you get in with Dad?" She questions, standing in the library doorway.

"I've had worse. Now, I've got another Soul collection job for us." I say, with a smirk. She wasn't aware that I lost my powers yet.

"And what might that be?" She asks, raising an eyebrow, leaning on the door frame.

"Nothing too difficult. Although, it may take a little... Well, murder." I grin, my hand wandering to the pouch attached to my belt.

"I'm in then. When do we leave?" She inquires, going to gather her things she left in the library.

"In a couple hours. Meet me at the pier. And don't dress like a princess please. This is supposed to be undercover." I narrow my eyes, knowing all too well that she could very well show up in a ball gown.

"Yeah, yeah. Stop scolding me, I'm only five minutes younger." She scoffs, crossing her arms.

"And because of that, I'm to be Queen." And I walk away.

Hell Born and Bound • Destined For Greatness { Jillian's Story }Where stories live. Discover now