Chapter Four

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"Hello? I'm getting hungry in here!" I call, lounging against the white stone wall. I have grown accustomed to the white light of my cell. I barely notice it anymore.

The man from before, the Seraph commander sits outside of my cell, smirking at me from behind the bars. "You're immortal are you not, do you really need to eat? Or have you lost that too?" He sneers, sitting with his muscular arms crossed.

"Even immortal demons need their fuel." I state, mimicking his behavior by crossing my arms.

"Alright. What do you eat? Children? Cresty souls?" He questions with a smirk, standing up from his chair.

"No," I say gruffly, flexing my shoulders. "I eat the same thing as any Angel would."

"Oh, so children and Cresty souls?" He jokes and walks away.

I find myself smiling, but instantly shake my head. I shouldn't be laughing at the Seraph's lame jokes.

I jump into action... Or rather crawl into action. They were stupid enough to not search me, or take anything away from me... My Uncle God... Are they honestly that stupidly trusting? I roll my eyes and pull a sharp pin from my hair.

I had these razor sharp hair pins made for me a long time ago. They've come in handy on quite a few occasions.

I reach outside the bars, bending my arm to reach the lock. The pin finds its way to the keyhole and I attempt to move it around in the correct way.

"C'mon... Just a couple more seconds..."


The cell door swings open. I hold it my exclamation of glee and pull myself to feet and start moving. I can't necessarily run yet. Yes, I do have a healing ability, but with my powers gone, it's a little slower than usual. It does feel better than it did before.

"Hey! Stop!"

I stick out like a sore thumb in this building of angelic beings. I believe we're underground. Or sorry... Under cloud.

I start running as fast as my injured knee can carry me. I take a sharp right and find myself at a set of stone stairs leading upwards.

I sprint up the steps, ignoring the pain as I make my way up. I push the heavy metal at the top, suddenly hit by an even bright light. How I haven't gone blind yet, I've got no idea.

Once it fades, all I see is a field of clouds that seems to run on forever to the sun. Fluffy white clouds, some climbing as high as the mountains back in Hellion. I go to step forward.

"Don't take another step! Unless you wish to plummet to your death!" A voice yells behind me. I recognize it as the Seraph boy's.

"What nonsense are you spewing now, Angel?" I snap, not turning around, but not moving.

"You are not an Angelic being, demon. You try and step on those clouds, you'll fall right through them and fall to earth." He explains. His voice is rather far away, at the bottom of the steps. He's keeping his distance, smart.

"And what if I want to die?" I ask, but it's not a real question. "Or for all you know, I can fly."

I hear him chuckle from below. "The choice is yours."

I keep my gaze on the scene in front of me for a moment. The blue sky, bright sun, and rolling clouds that go on forever, would this really be such an awful death?

I sigh, choking back a sob and turn on the heel, slamming the door that lead to my freedom. I saunter down the stairs, walking past the Angel. "What? Haven't you ever seen a demon cry before?"

I caught him staring at the black tears dripping down my face. "Don't sympathize me." I snap.

I snatch the roll he had in his hand that was planned her me and walk back to my cell without a struggle.

The metal bars trap me once again. I lean against the back wall, my arms crossed as he gazes at me from the other side. My tears have now disappeared.

"It's Jillaina, right?" He questions. Oh look, Angel boy had the courtesy to learn my name.

"Jillian. Should I just keep calling you Angel Boy?" I couldn't care less about what his name is, but it passes the time.

"It's Kile." He states, taking a seat on his chair once again, his blue eyes not wavering from mine.

I sigh and sink to the ground, keeping my knees propped up. "So, Kile, tell me about the legend of The Three Demons."

He looks rather shocked and I couldn't help but smirk. "Shouldn't you know it? If you are..."

"But I want to hear it from you." I urge.

He takes a deep breath, as if retrieving the words from his memory.

"The Gold demon will rip the heavens.
The Silver demon will devour the stars.
The Scarlet demon will spew out darkness.
Through countless sacrifices they will rule the land."

I chuckle darkly at the sound of our own legend, our own prophecy.

"Well, my time to rip the heavens will be soon to come."

Hell Born and Bound • Destined For Greatness { Jillian's Story }Where stories live. Discover now