The Warning heart

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"Of course we're in." Rikki says
Emma and Bella nod their heads in agreement.
"Wait Rikki who made you the spoke person for us" Kim says in irritation
"Someones crabby" Erik says smiling while moving to sit next to her
She stands up as soon as he sits next to her
"I mean seriously we don't even know them!" Kim says angrily
"They saved our lives that's all I need to know" -Emma
"Yea Kim they just offered to take us under their wing and teach us everything they know."
"I don't care what they did I still don't trust!!!" Kim says while storming out of the grotto into the water
"For her to be born a land girl she still possess the qualities of a natural born siren." -Rita
"What do you mean by that?" Bella says   Curiously and annoyed
"She seems naturally paranoid and skeptical of everyone's intention, two qualities that almost all sirens possess."- Rita
"Okay everyone we need to focus on the pressing issue: the diabolical natural born sirens who are conspiring against us!!!" Emma says defecting the conversation
"You're right" Zac says with a thinking face
Ordina and Mimi look a each other then utter a message as if they been possessed.....
"We are the siren queens Zelka and Mekima Suiquinze." Ordina's possesses body says
"What's going on?" Bella says loudly
Before Erik and say could muster their shhhh(ushes), Mimi's body was talking

"Silence peasants, we are here to say that we inhabited the oxen in peace until we lost a siren to day." -Mimi's body

"Ergo,we are sending a warning:  for every one of ours you kill we will take three of yours."  Ordina's body
After that sentence was stated  with a swift hand movement Lyla's heart was in her Mimi's hand. The two girl turn to eachother and before anyone could stop them the two girls had ripped eachother's hearts out and feel on the floor. 
The H2o girls stands shocked and scared at the horrific sight
The message was received and constant sobbing was the response
"This is all your fault stupid land girls, my friend and sister are dead because of you imbeciles." -Evie says with a mouth full of tears
Before Evie could rip them limb from limb the girls teleported with the help of Rita.
Moments later they appeared at beach about a mile away from cleo and Kim's house
"Thank you Rita you saved your lives." Bella says I'm relief
"We are terribly sorry for your loss." -Rikki
"Yes if there is any thing we can do to tell please tell us" -Emma
"We'll be in touch and I suggest you girls keep a low profile until then because Evie is no stranger to anger, rage and revenge, she may come for you'll all so keep your tails, I mean eyes open and trust none." Rita says with a face full of sadness and anger

And with that statement she was gone

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2017 ⏰

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