Chapter Eight

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---Lyssa's POV---

Someone was in my room, I know it . I was walking back to my room like normal after hanging out with Near all day when I noticed that my door was cracked open. I frowned and tilted my head in confusion before walking in and gasped in shock. "Wh--- what are my drawings doing on the floor?!". Quickly, I looked around for anything that would give me clues as to who had intruded on my privacy. Thirty minutes later, I was about to give up when I noticed a hair on one of my drawings. Black hair. "Eileen" I said in slight anger. " I'm gonna go find her and ask her what this was all about"  and determined, I walked out of my room and towards Eileen's and Matt's. Upon passing Mello's and Zoe's, I noticed their door was cracked open as well. " how strange, they Don't usually leave their door open" I whispered, and slowing walked in their room. I walked into a trashed room, but this time I had the feeling Eileen was not to blame. She would never go through their room like this. Frantically, I ran to Eileen's room and walked in, seeing her room resembling Zoe's and Mello's. ' oh no, this isn't good, this Is SO not good, I need to find them' I thought in panic, and ran around the school searching for them. No sign of them anywhere. I rounded another corner but collided with what felt like another person, and looked to see Near. He cocked his head in confusion and asked " what are you in such a hurry for?". Quickly, I told him the whole story, and at the end, Near looked shocked, and sort of guilty as well. Testing him, I said " do you have any idea what might have happened to them" and looked intently at him as he gave me a forced "no". Way past angry by now, I grabbed him by his shoulders and pushed him up against the wall and said "now you had BETTER tell me what's going on, you and Zoe and god knows who else have been keeping something from me and I'll be damned if I let you keep that secret and risk my friends safety". His eyes were as wide as the moon, and he looked at me in terror for a second before sighing and began. " basically your friends have been kidnapped by the same people that captured you and tortured you and Zoe at your past school, and now they've come to finish what they started, my question is why they didn't grab you too" and I gaped at him, slowly losing my grip on him till I finally just let go and he slipped free. 'Oh my god, this is not happening that never happened that never happened tha-, wait this is no time to be panicking, I have to remember all of it, not just pieces, remember, REMEMBER!'  I thought intently before sighing and regaining my composure that had before been a look of pure vulnerability. I took a deep breath, concentrated, and let the memories float out of the deepest part of my brain and out in the open, front and center...

---time skip(just because I can and will )---

Once I had remembered everything, I felt so drained that I could barely stand, and was wobbling from side to side as I intently tried to walk it off, not succeeding, I nearly collapsed. Luckily, Near caught me before I could hit the floor. I could tell he was about to tell me to sit down, but I cut him off and said "NO! We have to go get our friends now! And by what my memories tell me we have to go quick or we'll never make it in time!" He stood there shocked for a second, but then quickly shook it off and nodded, helping me walk towards the back exit to wammy's. Not caring that we were stealing Rogers car , we walked out the door and quickly climbed in. "Don't worry, I'll hotwire it , it will only take a moment" he said intently, already at work. Out of nowhere I heard yelling and looked back to see roger running towards us at full speed. "Quickly, hurry up, roger is coming!" I said frantically. Thankfully, he had finished and we pulled away just in time to see roger coughing on dust the tires had kicked up. The memories still fresh in my mind, I put in the coordinates of the old school we had gone to and waited, tense as we started driving in its direction. " luckily your school is only about two hours away from wammys, that way we can get there as fast as possible" Near said, obviously trying his hand at calming me down while still tense himself. Not wanting to worry him, I nodded and took a deep breath, settling down I closed my eyes and listened to the world flying by as we raced towards the school.

This is not good, I Don't want to die in this room, I want to live! That's what I was thinking while strapped to the chair in the basement of my school. Zoe was right beside me, her eyes widened as the people who lured us here stared at us, grinning wildly. They slowly closed in on us, and soon the months of torture started playing like a video tape, so many screams of pain and sudden meows of terror came from Zoe but I never said anything as I was tortured, not even screaming in pain. 'Huh, I guess I really did become an emotionless freak after that' I thought as it continued. I didn't think it was ever going to end when all of a sudden I started hearing someone calling my name, getting louder each time till finally they were yelling. "Lyssa!!!!"..

I jolted awake only to see Near with his hands on my shoulders , his brows creased with apparent worry. " I'm ok, I'm fine" I said, panting, my throat sore for some reason. ' oh, I had been screaming, nice" I thought as I climbed out of the car. I stared back at the school that had haunted my dreams and shook away the chill I felt coming on. Looking back at Near, I saw him climbing out of the car as well. "stay here" I demanded, and he immediately shook his head. "I'm not letting you go in there alone" he replied firmly. Sighing, I walked up to him and kissed his cheek, shocking him long enough  that I ran up to the door, opened it, shut the door and locked it. I felt instantly guilty , knowing he'd probably be upset with me when I got back. Shaking my head, I focused on the task at hand, I followed the map I had in my mind and it lead me straight into the basement. As I felt I was close enough that they could hear me, I shouted "ZOOEEEEEEEEE! EILEEEENNNNNNNNNNN!!!!".  As I turned the last corner and had eyes on the basement door when I heard a voice say " come on in, we've been expecting you, Lyssa" and let out an evil cackle as I neared the door...
Hey peeps, enjoying the story? I hope so! Peace out!!

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