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y/n's pov

My alarm went off, the loud noise blaring making me cringe.

I smacked it to quiet down, and once it failed, I knocked it to the floor where it unplugged itself.

I swung my feet over the side of my bed, and walked into my kitchen. I finally lived by myself, due to an agreement with my mother and father. I would always check in, but this year, I was at a new academy. I nibbled down on some cinnamon toast and got ready for the day.

I sighed as I brushed through my h/l h/c hair, I finished out my skincare and makeup routine, and turned to my closet.

The school had a uniform, sadly, myself frowning as I glanced at my other outfit I planned to wear before I was notified of a uniform.

I didn't mind a uniform too much, but the idea of losing a part of my individuality upset me.
I pulled on a skirt and tucked in my white dress shirt. Putting on my black tie and knee high socks, I walked to the door.

I really didn't feel like going to school.

First impressions always worried me a bit, I never knew it I was going to make it a good one or completely fuck it up.

I slowly walked down the stairs, putting on my black flats.

The good news was that I was going to a new school where two of my internet friends, Armin and Mikasa, went to. I finally get to see them in person, and I was pretty pumped for that.

I decided to stick around with them, and with Eren, Mikasa's brother, as well.

I grabbed my earbuds and backpack, making my way out.

the trees were still all green, and the warm air hit my face as I walked to school. It was really beautiful, my new neighbourhood.

I managed to find the building twenty minutes later, walking inside.

I wasn't late, I conveniently left 30 minutes early. It was nice to enjoy my morning walk peacefully.

Haha, fuck you time. I thought to myself

Inside it was busy with students, a few who glanced at me in surprise. I mean it was junior year, nobody was new.

Besides me of course.

I saw friend groups everywhere, and I scanned the crowd for mine.

Who knows what kind of group my friends are?

At least, who they're seen ass.

I revived my list of classes, my locker, and a small map. God I'm like a freshman, completely lost. I let out a whimper, unlocking my newly found locker. Inside, it was totally empty except for my books. That they oddly stacked.

I sighed, getting my materials for my class and putting away my phone.

Even though I arrived early, I was conveniently late, so everyone was in the room. I softly knocked on the door, hoping not to make to much noise.

"Ah, welcome y/n y/l/n!" A female teacher with brown hair tucked into a ponytail said, as she pushed her glasses higher her noise.

"I'm Ms. Zoe, welcome to chemistry!" She winked at me. "Say hello class!" She clapped her hands together

"No no, you d-don't have to do th—"

The class monotony greeted me.

"Y/n?" I heard a familiar voice.

Mikasa and Armin ran up and hugged my side. "Mikasa! My dear blonde coconut-head" I said quietly hugging them back.

"Quit the reunion, we have a class to start." Ms. Zoe said smiling.

"Take a seat by...." She paused scanning the room.

"Ah! Mr. Acker—" she stopped. "He isn't here today. Well sit next to that empty chair anyway."

She said turning to the board to write stuff down. I shrugged it off and sat down.

A few moments later, a raven-haired boy walked in. He walked right past Ms. Zoe, not saying a word.

"Hey what do you say?" She huffed.

"Sorry I'm late." He said in a monotone voice.

"That's better." She smiled.

He walked over to me, pausing. "Who's this?" His voice spoke calm, but it scared a lot of people.

People turned to us, looking at my like my ass was gonna get whooped to Canada.

"Oh that's Y/n, she's new." Ms Zoe said. "Is there an issue?" She raised an eyebrow, as I gulped.

"No." He said sitting down.

I let out a sigh of relief, as I peaked over at him.

I stared at his grey eyes, they looked harsh but there was a mildness to them. It took no mercy, but did have love. His jawline and nose were perfectly constructed to fit him. His pink soft lips let out a sigh as he got bored with the lesson. His hair fell onto his face parted down the middle. He was completely pale, myself wondering if it was normal or a sickness.

"Tch , what are you looking at brat?" He addressed me.

"N-nothing s-sir." I mumbled, mentally kicking myself that I called him sir.


"N-no I didn—"

"You heard my name, you have ears brat. Call me that. "

"Brat?" I laughed a little.

"Levi." He said sighing, which his seriousness cut my laughter.


"Stop apologizing."


"Ah?" He waved a finger at me, his grey eyes glancing for a second, which stopped me.

"Alright." I smiled a little.

The bell rang, dismissing us. Mikasa, Armin and Eren ran up to me. "What were you doing talking to Levi?" Eren asked me.

"Shit we never told her.." Mikasa mumbled.

Armin broke the 10 second silence. "Levi hates us; we hate him." Armin nodded. "He beat up Eren, once or twice...."

"Or thirty times." Mikasa sighed.

"Hey!" Eren said.

"Quit starting shit than, Eren!" Mikasa nudged him. "It's the truth anyway." She smirked.

"Shut up...." He flushed with embarrassment.

"Anyway," Armin looked at him sternly. "Stay away from him."

"Okay." I walked off, as all of our phones buzzed. There was a party tonight, and the only reason I got the notification was because I already added these people on Twitter. Mikasa told me too.

Maybe Levi will be there, maybe that's not a good thing though.

[] a/n []

hey y'all ! i'm rewriting a lot of this and deciding to continue it. my motivation decided to pop out all of a sudden, you know, three years later.

anyway, I hope that you enjoy this :)

remember to vote and comment!


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