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y/n's pov

Mikasa was coming over to my house to help me prepare and dress appropriately for the party. Knowing her, she would fuck me up when it came to me wearing anything inappropriate. I let out a sigh as I glared at my closet.

Mikasa walked inside my room, and started digging in my wardrobe. "Wow Y/n.... Didn't know you wore skirts that short." She teased.

"Shut up it was one time." I hissed back.

"What-ever." She rolled her eyes pulling out a few dresses. "How about this?" She asked holding up a short black dress, with a red jacket to go with.

"Sure." I shrugged, putting it on. I glanced down at myself.

"Shit this is short..." I thought to myself as Mikasa went and pulled my hair into a ponytail.

( If you have short hair, she left it be. )

She smiled at how I looked, putting makeup on my face.

"I think you look nice. Red is good on everyone." She tapped her scarf.

I remember how Mikasa was so cold at first, she warmed up a lot since eighth grade. Now that I recall, we've know one another for three years. Same with Armin, I remember he had a crush on Mikasa at one point. Although Mikasa insisted she liked someone else at her school.

flashback: freshman year.

" Mikasa — I know I don't go to your school but who do you like? What's his name? So I can hunt him down and attack him. " I typed up on my computer.

" Oh my god y/n. Their name shouldn't matter. It matters who they are. "

" Who he is my ass; what's his name? "

" Nope.... Not telling you. "

" Ugh! you suck. "

Present Day

"You never did tell me his name...." I purred, laughing a little to myself.

Her eyes widened. "Oh my god you still remember that?" She held in a laugh.

"Hell yeah I do." I snickered.

"Okay well I'm going to be honest with you, before this goes out." She grabbed my hand and took me to my bed. We sat down and her steal eyes stared at me sternly.

"Y/n, please don't be weirded out. I adore you as a friend and we cannot speak of this." She said, myself promising I'd stay by her with whatever happens.

"Y/n, I'm gay." She whispered a bit.

"I'm okay with that." I said truthfully. I never minded gay people, they are pretty cool in my opinion. Sadly, people would disagree with me. Mikasa is my friend, and I love her, gay or not.

And that's what I told her. She smiled at me in return. That must have been why she they and their as pronouns instead of he or him, she or her. She didn't want to lie saying it was a guy, but didn't want to come out yet. Neutral; but very respectful. She proceeded to my closet, taking out one of my black skirts and a white blouse. She changed into them, and threw me a pair of heels.

"They make your legs look better." She nodded.

I hummed in response, putting them on. I grinned at myself in the mirror, smiling at my height.

I glanced at the time , seeing it was almost time to leave. I applied some red lipstick that conveniently matched my jacket. I glanced at my actually well  done winged eyeliner. Mikasa was very good at makeup, especially since she insisted that I wore false eyelashes. Psh, my eyelashes are fine. I thought to myself.

She turned around to me, smiling. "Let's go." She said pulling on some shoes, gracefully walking out the doorway.

I followed, my feet adjusting to the feeling of being three inches taller. We walked there; for the house wasn't too far, and we weren't going to risk having to drive. Endless things could go wrong in that case; stolen car, broken window, careless driving, etc. Mikasa was a motherly figure; she did not take that.

"Are we almost there?" I wined.

Mikasa nodding, glancing back at me. "Almost, y/n, chill." She snorted.

Once we arrived, rap music simply evaporated from the house.

"Pity the poor parents" I thought to myself looking at the destruction caused by the high schoolers. We walked inside, people greeting Mikasa and somewhat side glanced me.

They didn't know who I was or what my business was, so it was unknown whether to glare or smile. Hell, no one wished to smile at a horrible person, or frown at a nice one.

I made my way into the kitchen, which was fairly crowded. I grunted; I thought only one or two people were going to be in here. I pushed through the crowd with a drink in my hand, making my way out back.

God knows where Mikasa was, Armin never went to parties, and I simply didn't mind Eren not being in my presence. I didn't know him well. I sighed looking at people dance and making out, shivering at the thought of people fucking. I loved the way people chose water instead of alcohol at parties like these. I glanced at my cup, swirling the liquid back and forth, the smell of alcohol reading from it.

Scrunching up my nose, I went and poured it on the grass. I spotted Levi, and a small ginger girl chasing him. He seemed uncomfortable, like he disliked her. He saw me staring and made his way over to me.

My heart froze, I was scared. Was he going to hurt me? Or try to talk to me? People looked at me, sympathetically as if I were to die.

"Hey....uh.. Levy was it?" I said out loud, to Levi, mentally kicking myself for the mispronunciation.

He raised at eyebrow at me, then his eyes crushed down into a glare. "My, name, is, fucking, Levi." He said pausing in between each word, then slowly pronouncing his name at the final.

"S-sorry." I said softly, pushing my hair behind my ear. "But what do you want?"

"He wants me." The ginger girl grinned at me.

"And why are you telling me this?" I crossed my arms out of habit; tilting my weight to one side.

"No, I don't want you idiot, " he said pushing the tiny girl away forcefully, making her fall back. "I want, to know why you keep staring at me."

"I was looking behind you dumbass, your not the nicest thing to look at." I said covering my mouth, the crowd gasping.

"Why.... " he paused. "Why aren't you afraid of me?!" He snapped, his grey eyes glaring.

A spark of confidence shot up me when people circled us. He was going to be very upset with my next line.

"Because I'm not afraid of people who can only ride kiddie rides at a carnival!"


omg im trying time re edit this messy ass story , it'll get better trust me !!


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