Your Choice

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You sighed, pink eyes watching him. What he was saying made a lot of sense. You don't want it to, but it did. However, you knew that this world you wished to rule was a cruel one, and nothing could ever be that simple.

"The Empress has an army" you said, letting out a sigh.

"And so do I!" he retorted

"Not of Violets and Indigos you don't."

"If we didn't know how to fight violets and indigos, we would be dead already" 

He had a point there, but your doubtful frown persisted. 

"All we can do is help your chances..." He said, tone a bit softer than before. 

"And all I can do is hurt yours" you scoffed.

There was a moment of silence, both of you seeming to size each other up while you were stuck in a stalemate. The summoner let out a slow breath before he turned back toward the lowbloods gathered around the fire. His eyes burned with recognition, and a passion for the people he lead. He loved them. He wanted the best for them. 

"Just give me one night to change your mind" he said. 

Those words seemed to spark a whirlwind of activity. For the rest of the night, you bore a mask that covered your mouth and nose, as well at the telltale fins that would've given away the color you bled. He must've been right about your eyes, because everyone treated you like a sister. Like a comrade. It seemed that it was just that easy for the Summoner to give you what you wanted. To make you belong. 

You sat and laughed and danced with the lowbloods, and after a while, you forgot how lowly they were. You forgot about your blood and the ache of loneliness in your chest that was now gone. It was amazing, and late in the night, you found yourself never wanting to leave. However, the sun would soon peek over the horizon, and the lowbloods started to retreat to their homes carved from the trees. 

"so, my heiress, what do you say?"

"I say we get out of the open" 

"well, you can sleep in my hive, i'll give you the bed, yes?" He asked.

Against your better judgement, you said yes, and you were surprised to say the least when he lifted you up from your safe position on the ground. "WHAT ARE Y-" you were silenced by the whoosh of wings emerging on either side of you, and then the change in gravity that threw your head against his chest. It made you dizzy, and your pupils narrowed as you looked over his shoulder to the ground that was somehow getting smaller. After that, you were all claws as you clung to his muscular shoulders and arms. loud pained noises came from him followed by a chuckle as said arms wrapped tight around you. "hush there, It's okay, calm down" he said, smile evident in his voice. You however, were not smiling. "just look"

Against your best judgement, you let him pull you slowly from his shoulder, and he turned you to face the world he saw. You were just above the treeline, his wings fluttering to keep you in the air. The sky was dark, but light was beginning to dance on the horizon in the distance while the flying lusii retreated back below the canopy. The world was moving and breathing from this angle in a way that almost reminded you of the sea. It was breathtaking, and you hardly realized your dissent until he had already landed in the hollow tree trunk he called home. 

"Ill stay," you whispered, eyes still distant. 

"Thank you, your majesty" 

Your Majesty (Summoner x Fushia!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now