Chapter 30

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*3 Years Later*

"Sky hurry up, you're going to be late!" Mum yelled.

"Coming!" I yelled back. Today is Waliyha and I's graduation. Yes, you read that right, I'm graduating! I'm finally 18 and getting out of this....well....kind of hell hole....I just don't really like school. Actually that's an understatement, I hate it. These past 3 years, my life's been a rollercoaster. Drama at school, rumors being spread, but I still had my best friends by my side. Sam and I are still together, we've obviously had our fights, I mean who doesn't? But I couldn't love him more then I do now.

One Direction is still going strong. I'm not surprised to be honest. Zayn married Perrie a while back, same with Louis and Eleanor. Liam is engaged with Alex as well as Niall with Mechaela and Harry is currently with his girlfriend Brooke of 2 years. They are so cute together.

Anyways, Doniya got engaged! Her boyfriend Zach proposed to her a few months ago, she was ecstatic. Safaa is now 12 and she's actually pretty tall for her age.

Doniya just finished doing my makeup. We hurried up and got inside the car. It was around 6:00pm the graduation starts at 6:15pm. It only took a few minutes to get there. Once we got there, mum, dad, Zayn, Doniya and Safaa took there seats while Waliyha and I got our cap and gowns.

"Do I look okay?" She asked.

"Beautiful." I replied. We went back out and took our seats. The principal of our school stood at the podium on the stage. Moments later, people had quieted down.

"Good evening everybody. We are gathered here today for the graduating class of 2017-2018. First off we will start off by hading out awards. Now, the first away we are handing out is the Science award. Congratulations to Lola Andrews!" Parents started clapping as Lola headed up to the stage accepting her award.

For the next 30 minutes or so, people who won awards went up. There was only one award left and that was valedictorian.

"This next award is for our valedictorian. Congratulations to Skylar Malik!" He announced. I stood up from my seat and walked onto the stage accepting my award. When I looked out to the audience I saw someone who I wasn't expecting seeing. Sophie and Lucas. They were sitting on mum and dads lap, they were almost 4 years old, and thankfully almost looked nothing like Jake. Once I had taken my seat the music started playing.

"Now, we would like to call up our graduates." Parents started getting their cameras ready. Several names were called, until finally, mine was called.

"Skylar Malik." He announced. I got up from my chair and walked up on stage. I shook the principal's hand and took what he handed to me. As I left the stage he called Waliyha's name. She walked on stage. Once all the graduates walked off the stage, he smiled and looked at Sam.

"Now, before we conclude this ceremony, I'd like to call up Sam Bogue, who has a special announcement." Sam got up from his chair and stood on the stage.

"Sky? Could you please come up here?" He asked. Confused I walked up on stage. He faced me and started talking. "Skylar, when I met you, you saved my life. That night I had planned on committing suicide. If it wasn't for you I would never be here. We had several fights, but they never tore us apart. I love everything about you; your smile, laugh, insecurities, they make you perfect. I want to spend the rest of my life with you." He got down on one knee and opened up a mall little black box. "Skylar Moore Malik, will you please marry me?"

"Oh my god, yes!" I exclaimed. Several tears rolled down my face. I gave him a bone crushing hug and he put a beautiful silver ring on my finger. This was unbelievable. All the parents and student were clapping and cheering. I wiped away my tears and took my seat. The principal walked onto the stage.

"Students, please stand. Move you tassel from right to left. Congratulations graduates of Bradford High!" Every student threw their hat up in the air and started cheering. I jumped into Sam's arms and planted a kiss onto his lips. I ran towards Waliyha and gave her a hug. After everyone had calmed down. People started to put away the chairs. Music started playing and the principal started talking.

"Okay everyone, it's time for the father daughter or mother and son dance." Waliyha walked over to dad before I could, so instead of going with mum, I started dancing with Zayn.

"This is awkward." I said. He chuckled.


"You're my brother, and were slow dancing, that's weird."

"A bit, I guess." I laughed and shook my head. They were playing a song that I hadn't heard before, although, I really liked it. Once the dance was over, people started eating. There was cake, chips, candy, punch, a bunch of stuff. I grabbed a slice of cake, a handful of chips, some candy and punch. I sat down beside Sam, Hannah and Maddie.

"Congratulations!" They yelled. Hannah hugged me while Maddie hugged Sam. They switched after, so Maddie was hugging me and Hannah Sam. For the next hour or so, we talked about universities that we applied for and if we were going to move out or not. I plan on moving out into a flat with Sam in London so I can be closer to the university I'm going to. Once the party was over, Waliyha and I went home. The car was quiet, but a peaceful one. I kept staring at my ring. I was overwhelmed that he proposed to me. My thoughts were interrupted when I realized we were at home. As soon as we got inside I went up to my room.

"Sky?" Waliyha said.


"Selfies?" She asked. I laughed. We sat down on my bed and started taking a bunch of random pictures with our phones. We must have talked a lot because it got to the point where my phone said 'Memory full' I frowned and went to my photos.

"Whoa." I said surprised. We had taken over 300 hundred pictures. I took a screenshot and went to Twitter.

@Skylar_Malik_Moore_2000: Just came back from grad n started taking selfies with @waliyha over 300 pics. wow

A few minutes later dad called up down for dinner. We were having BBQ, Waliyha and I's favorite. Throughout all of dinner, all I could think about was Sam and I. I can honestly say that he's the love of my life and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him.



A/N: That had to be the shortest chapter ever. Ugh. Sorry it's so short guys :(

Okay, so in case you haven't already realized it, this book is almost over :( I'm guessing it will have 2 more chapters then an epilogue. I love this book so much and it's going to be so sad for me to end it, anyways, it would really mean a lot to me if even though the book has ended you guys will continue to tell people about it :)

I will also be doing a dedication thing, if you have the best comment it can be short or long i really don't care. If I just happen to like the comment you will get a dedication!

Okay, so if you actually read this note, please comment "Smoothie"









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