Kay. That's a name I haven't heard in a while. Thank the gods.

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Favorite character in Frozen? 

Favorite pizza topping? 

Three things you love? 

Three names you'd never give to a child? 

Three things you're most self-conscious about? 

Weirdest job you've ever considered? 

Have you ever had a secret spread against your will? 

If you were straight, who would you be dating?

The Oaken Sauna guy. Because he's gay. And hilarious.

Cheese. Or sausage.

Nico, Livvy, and surfing.

Genevieve, Samson, and...Kay. God, I hate him.

My height, my academic level, and my hair. That's just what I thought of first.

Modeling. For about thirty seconds. After Ana suggested it.

Um, duh. The entire camp knew I was gay before I'd even accepted the fact.

Lou or Maria. Lou because she's my closest female friend, and Mar because she's right up there, though we don't get to hang out much.

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