It was 'lirrally hilarious.'

94 18 10

Technically no tag, but nocturnal_writer and Prankster_of_Hermes wanted me to.

Let's see... When was Jason the most outrageously drunk?

Probably Saturday.

He'd had a few too many drinks and was such a basic white girl. 

And I mean basic.

He's normally like that, but it's so  much worse when he's drunk.

"Literally" is his most common phrase when he's drunk, and he starts slurring, so it comes out more like "lirrally."

He hangs all over people, and everyone is his "best friend ever."

Saturday was so much fun. 

Someone started playing 'We Can't Stop,' the epitome of stereotypical drunk girl songs, and he got really emotional. 

At one point he walked- nay, stumbled-up to me, draped his arm across my shoulders, and said"I lirrally can't even with this song, Will. I just- I just can't right now. It's so...touching."

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