Chapter 19

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"Have fun at your parents though," Jon said just as she was about to hang up the phone. Ella rolled her eyes.

"That's becoming increasingly difficult."

"I'm really sorry I couldn't come tonight."

Ella laughed. "No, you aren't."

Jon laughed. "I'm only half sorry. I don't like leaving you alone there. No offence."

"None taken. I'll be fine," Ella replied. "I've been with them my whole life and I know how to handle them."

"If you say so, babe."

"I do, plus Ken will be there. My mom is a little scared of Ken." Ella told him. "She thinks he's a barbarian."

Jon laughed. "He kind of is," he said.

"I know." She went into Josh's room to see if he was done getting dressed. "Have fun with your family."

"I will. They're a crazy bunch. I can't wait for you to meet them."

"I can't wait to meet the entire Reeves clan. I hope they're not all like Jude."

Jon laughed. "Actually, he's the anomaly."

"That's good to hear."

"He's better when you get to know him," Jon defended his older brother.

"I don't have a problem with getting to know him. He's the mean one," Ella teased.

"Hearing you say that will probably put a smile on his face."

"I know," Ella said. "I have to go now."

They said their goodbyes and hung up.

Ella turned to her son who was, instead of putting on his shoes, laying down and flipping through a book. He was so engrossed that he hadn't even heard her come in.

"Hey," she summoned. He looked up at her. When he saw that she was all dressed up, his eyes widened and he jumped off the bed. She nodded satisfactorily and walked out of the room.

"So, Ella. Tell me how things are going at the bakery," Ken said, one again trying to calm Ella down. He had been doing that for the past half hour since Ella had walked into her parents' and seeing her entire family. And Caleb. Once again.

"Things are going good," she said through clenched teeth. Then she turned to Ken, and told herself to calm down. She, however, couldn't resist throwing him one last glare. "I've recently hired a new baker. She's a good baker, just a little clumsy at times. But she's improving."

"That's really nice," her brother said. "I hope your workload has lightened up a bit."

"Yeah, it has."

"Caleb here was just telling us about some huge contract he just got," her mother piped up.

"Mother," Ella started. "I do not care in the least about Caleb and his new contracts."

"Ella. Do not be abrasive," her mother scolded. "Caleb here is our guest."

"Your guest, mother. Not mine."

"Come on, Ella." The bastard actually started speaking. "I've apologized. Why can't we just let bygones be bygones?"

Ella took in a very deep breath, hoping to calm herself. As deep as the breath was, it did nothing to calm her down.

She turned to Caleb. "Bygones?" she heard herself shout. "Does Josh look like a fucking bygone to you?" The deep anger she felt needed to be released somehow.

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