Chapter 8

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"What are you doing here?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Can't a guy stop by to see his family anymore?" He drawled in that Southern way he had. He stood there in her doorway in a white T-shirt and a flannel shirt. He had on some faded jeans and boots. He had messy brown hair which looked like he had run his fingers through it. She knew that he had, because it was his style.

"No you can't." Ella replied. She didn't know exactly how to feel about this. All she knew was that she didn't want him here. Especially not now. With Josh being sick, she was not in the right frame of mind for this.

"Come on, you can't keep my son away from me forever."

"I can. And I specifically told you that I will." Ella replied. Caleb sighed and rubbed his forehead.

"Can I at least come in?" He said, the smugness gone from his voice.

"I'm not particularly comfortable with that." Ella put her hands on her waist and frowned at him. "How did you even know where I live?"

"Your parents told me." He answered.

"Of course." Ella muttered.

"You see, if your parents can forgive me then so can you."

Ella sighed and raised her eyes heavenwards. The one thing she could remember about Caleb was that he was overly determined and he wouldn't leave her alone until she let him see Josh. But he didn't know that she had grown just as stubborn over the years. "I've forgiven you, Caleb. I just don't want you anywhere near me or my son."

"Come on. A boy needs a father."

"He has me. That's all he needs." Ella replied.

"But, Ella -"

"Bye, Caleb." She said and shut the door in his face.

She leaned against the black wooden door and tried to fight the tears that threatened to fall. Why now? It had been so long and she had thought that he was gone from their lives for good. She couldn't fight the tears anymore and she honestly didn't see why she should. She pushed away from the door and went to sit on the couch. The moment she sat down, she choked on a huge sob. She gave up and the tears fell freely from her eyes.

When she could control herself enough not to burst into tears every two seconds, she picked up her phone to call her brother. The first time she called, the phone rang and rang but he didn't pick up. Ella started sobbing again and her phone fell from her shaky fingers on to her thighs. "Please, pick up." She whispered as she tried dialing again.

"Hey, sis!" Ken answered cheerfully.

"Ken!" Ella sighed in relief.

"Well. You sound happy." Ken said. "How are you?"

"He showed up." Ella sighed. Her voice breaking in the middle of the sentence.

"What are you...Oh!" He shouted in realization. "Fuck."

"He came here, Ken!" Ella said and choked on a sob once again.

"Babe. I need you to stop crying." Ken said in a comforting tone. His tone made her cry even more. She missed him. She hated not having him here to comfort her."Ella, you're breaking my heart. I hate that I'm not there with you."

"Me too." She forced out.

"How did he even know where you live?"

"Mom and Dad."

"Bastards." He said under his breath. "I'm sorry, Ella. They are just so shit sometimes." He added when he heard her gasp.

"I know." She replied in a low voice. "I miss you so much."

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