Chapter 20

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After the night of the horrible incident with Caleb, a whole month passed without any other eventful events. The bakery was doing better than Ella could have ever hoped for. Josh had apologized to Micah for punching him and the other boy had apologized for saying that his mother was bad. Micah's mother had even called to apologize to Ella, saying that she had had no idea that Ella was a single mother when she had told her son that only bad women had boyfriends.

So that night, Ella was in a really good mood and she had no idea what could ruin it. Josh was over at Claudia's house and she was in her room getting ready for Jon's visit. Nothing too fancy, just putting on some lipstick and a little foundation and some mascara and some eyeliner. Okay, it was just a little fancy, she didn't even know why she was bothering. It'd all get ruined once he showed up

She looked down her body, it was encased in a red lacy number. It was fully covered at her breasts and her nether regions, but the rest of it was sheer and it stopped mid-thigh. It also had a sheer jacket. It was the first time, she had ever gone out of her way to look sexy for Jon and she was a bit fidgety because what if he didn't like it?

The sound of knocking at the door startled her and she dropped the mascara brush suddenly. It left a little black stain on the lingerie, but Ella let it go. It wasn't going to be on for much longer anyway.

She finished the last of her makeup quickly and hurried to answer the door. She took a deep breath before she unfastened the bolt and opened the door.

Her face fell as she saw that it wasn't Jon that was standing in her doorway.

It was Caleb.

Ella gasped and hurriedly pulled the red jacket she was wearing together to cover her body.

She looked up at Caleb to see that he was smirking.

"Did you know that I was coming, honeybun?" he asked in a smug voice and Ella could only hope that the fear she was feeling wasn't evident on her face. "Or was this for that mechanic you've been cheating on me with?"

Ella saw that dangerous glint in his eyes. She hadn't seen that since that unfortunate night five years ago. She became genuinely scared and could only hope that Jon arrived soon enough. For now, she would just act tough. That ought to throw him off balance right?

"What do you want with me, Caleb?" she said in a mildly cold tone.

"I want what is mine, Emmanuella."

Ella rolled her eyes. "Josh is not yours, except biologically."

"I don't care about the stupid kid. I'm here to get revenge," he said with the same smirk.

When Ella heard that, she knew she was in trouble, she panicked and tried to slam the door in his face. But he was faster, he grabbed her arms and pushed her into the apartment and then fastened the bolt. Ella took advantage of that time to run into her room to grab her phone. Just as she was about to step into the room, she felt his stronger hands pulling her back out of the bedroom.

"You bitch!" he spat as he pushed up against the wall and his hand delivered a slap to her face that made her ears ring. "You should know by now that you're not fast enough to escape me."

Ella whimpered. She was doomed, she struggled and thrashed until she felt sure that she would soon pass out.

He tried to her in place, but she was still fighting. She couldn't stop. This couldn't be happening again.

"What did I tell you would happen if you ever told anyone?" he asked, grabbing her throat.

Ella didn't answer. She couldn't answer because she was too scared and his hands squeezing at her throat were cutting off her air supply.

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