Chapter 3

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Naptime was much needed and gave me the perfect excuse to be laying on the couch when Ari got home from classes.

"Ari," I said, my voice a sigh. "I would like to apologize for being a jerk earlier. I have had a long day and I had a panic moment. I understand that you have to grow up, but please do not get in a rush. This adult thing is not fun."

"Neither is being a kid. Classes all day long, kids picking on me, and apparently I can't even like the guy I like."

"Tell me who's picking on you. I'll put a stop to it real fast."

She sighed. "That's something else, too. I don't need you to fight every battle for me. I'm perfectly capable of fighting a few on my own."

"Fine. I'll leave it alone." The hell I would.

"And Owen?" That became the part where she was serious. She really liked him.

I sighed. "I don't know if I can negotiate that part."

"Please, Alli."

"Ari, you do understand that liking someone here leads to mating, and that leads to children, right?" I studied those big blue innocent eyes.

She looked away. "That's what I want, Alli. A family." She sounded so sad as she said "A family". It killed me inside.

I nodded. I couldn't stop her from wanting those things, and I knew if she really wanted them, she'd do it behind my back. I had no choice here. "Fine. You can see him. I can't stop you."

Her eyes lit up. "Thank you!" She latched onto me and I hugged her back.

"Are you ready for dinner?"

She nodded.

The two of us left for the cafeteria. We met up with Derrick and Sofia and the kids.

"Thought the baby was due today?" I asked.

"It is. We deliver later in the evening. Master says it gives it a better chance of being a boy."

"Do you want a boy?"

Derrick looked at Sofia.

"I would like a girl, but a boy will be just as perfect."

"We can always keep trying for a girl." Derrick smiled at his mate. The sexualness in his voice was incredible.

"I'd like that." Goodness. This conversation was getting heated fast and I wasn't in a comfortable position.

Ari and I looked at each other as we finished our meals and said, "We'll see you tomorrow." The two of us took off so fast they didn't even have time to respond.

"If you become like that, I may kill you," I said.

She laughed. "I might let you."

We both laughed all the way to the house, where we sat on the couch and talked about life. Soon, it was time for us to head to bed and we went our separate ways.

A few days later, I was sitting out by the lake thinking about what Jace had offered. I wasn't sure how I felt about any of it. It could all be a setup from the Master or it could be real, who knew?

I felt someone's presence behind me and I looked back. Jace was standing there, just looking at me.

"I didn't mean to bother you," he said.

"You didn't."

He came closer and sat down next to me. "What are you thinking about?"

I looked over the lake at the camp and thought for a moment longer. "I can't accept your offer to pull strings. Ari needs me here and I don't think I would be able to do both."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2016 ⏰

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