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After hearing Zane's story, Y/n was overwhelmed with gratitude. She hugged the nindroid, saying,"Thank you. Thank you so much."

"Uhh... Y/n?"

"Yeah?"she broke away from the embrace and looked at Zane.

"What are you doing?"

Y/n was confused,"I'm hugging you of course! Do you not know what a hug is?"

"I know what a hug is, but why are you hugging me?"

"Because you saved my life,"Y/n said, blushing.

"Okay, bu-"Zane was interrupted when the nurse walked in.

"Hello! Y/n, you are allowed to leave tomorrow morning, we just need to make sure your life-systems can support themselves. Zane,"she said turning towards Zane. "Your sensei has requested that you return to the Bounty in 'bout 10-15 minutes."

Zane nodded and darted out of Y/n's hospital room. The nurse smiled and also left the room.

Y/n looked curiously at the tattoo; there was something familiar about it. But what? Y/n concentrated all of her mind on recovering the memory.

After 12 long minutes, Y/n's concentration was fruitless. Exhausted, she laid down and tried to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2016 ⏰

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