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Zane's POV
"Ma'am?"I asked tentatively, Y/n appeared to be unconscious and losing blood at an alarming rate. "Brothers,"I said, addressing Kai, Cole, and Jay. "We need to get her to the hospital, in 5 minutes, or she will die."
I scooped up the teenage girl and summoned my elemental dragon. I rode across the city, thinking.
Why does she have a tattoo? Why do the Nindriods want her? I asked myself.
My dragon swooped down, and landed in the parking lot of the hospital. My brothers landed beside me.
"Come on, hurry!"I said frantically."She will die of blood loss in 2 minutes!"
The four of us ran into Ninjago City Emergency Hospital, a hospital made for life-or-death situations.
"Excuse me,"I said to a young woman sitting at the front desk."I have a very urgent case, this girl is dying of blood loss. In 1 minute and 30 seconds, she will die."
The secretary's face was grim. She pressed a few keys and said,"Room 203."
I ran through the doors and frantically looked for room 203, forgetting about my brothers.
As I approached a door with a sign marked 203, a doctor grabbed the girl out of my hands.
The girl was laid on a bed, and many machines were hooked up to her.
The doctor turned to me,"Do you know this girl?"
"No."I said flatly.
"Please stay in the waiting room for a hour.
The doctor walked into the waiting room and cleared his throat.
Jay looked up from his game, and Kai put down his phone.
"The girl who you brought is a Nindroid. We called in a technology expert specialized in repairing Nindriods. She reviewed the memory chip. The strange thing is, only a name comes up. The girl's name is Y/n. You may visit her now."
My brothers and I walked down the corridor leading to her room.

The Dragon Tattoo: A Ninjago FanficWhere stories live. Discover now