Ch 1

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[Y/n's POV]
Y/n woke up. Her head throbbed painfully.
Where am I? Who am I?she thought. She could only remember her name. Y/n.
Y/n looked around, she was in a dark alley.
A loud thud behind Y/n made her jump. Her heart pounding, she turned around slowly. A ninja-like robot stood up and raised it's gun.
Several more robots jump down.
"Freeze!"one yelled. Y/n started to run. "Apprehend the subject!"it yelled.
Two robots grabbed Y/n's arms and rolled up her sleeves. On her forearm was a black tattoo of a dragon.
"She is marked, sir!"the robot on the left called to his leader.
"Good. Eliminate h-"
He was cut off when a ninja wearing white jumped down from a nearby building. He kicked the leader in the face.
Three more ninja jumped down and started to help the one in the white gi. In 3.67 seconds, only the four multicolored ninja stood.
"Are you injured?"the one in white asked Y/n. When he got closer, she noticed that he was also a robot.
He noticed the look of fright in Y/n's eyes.
"Do not worry,"he said kindly."I only protect others."
"W-who are you?"Y/n stuttered.
The ninja wearing white smiled gently,"I'm Za-"
A flare of pain burst in Y/n's side.
The other ninja ran over.
Y/n's vision blurred, and she passed out.

The Dragon Tattoo: A Ninjago FanficWhere stories live. Discover now