The meeting

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After returning home to his present Markus went out to meet new people. One day he found a girl, she was a frozian, the two talked for hours. Her name was Kyroria, she had was on Hoth for a vacation from the hot planet  for a few years and to make new friends. Kyroria said that she was moving to live on Hoth and would be living in echo base to join the fight against the empire. One day She came across Markus and met his padawan; Amber, the two got to know each other well before they returned to battle. Markus and Kyroria would talk in between battles Markus soon saw Kyroria with a young boy about his sister's age, he asked who he was she said it was her uncle's friends's son named Varkon, he was a Nosaurian, he was green with orange feathers, and yellow eyes. he was wearing a blue jump suit, with yellow armor. both Kyroria and Varkon knew English well. it took years for Amber to learn more about Varkon but the two became great friends.

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