Chapter 18 - Good girl

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Lilith's POV

I already apologised for my actions, realising it was rude to look at his tattoo's while he was asleep, but Jason simply waved me off.

"How is your shot wound doing by the way." I asked him. He turned around to face me again, "It's doing fine, it's healing." He muttered.

He was shot when I was kidnapped (from my kidnapper). I had to watch him change his bondages, and ew that wound looked soooo disgusting. One time he was moving too much and some of his stitches got loose. He had to pierce them through again himself, using a needle. It truly was a horrible sight.

"Oh.. Okay, that's good." I nodded. "And Jeremiah?" I started nibbling on my lip nervously. I head Jason scoff a bit, "He will say sorry to you eventually." Jason assured me.

I nodded a bit. "It's fine, never mind-" He cut me off. "No, it's not fine. Just like those guys who touched you, when they kidnapped you. I killed them, that's what they get, but I can't kill Jeremiah." He explained to me, I shivered at the word 'kill', but tried to remain calm.

"How did they even touch you?" He asked me. 

Well, that's awkward. "They just did.." I tried changing the subject, but he wouldn't let me. "You said they didn't rape you, right? Did they force you to suc-" I widened my eyes and quickly interrupted him. "No, they didn't. Just.. Leave it okay? I don't want to talk about it."

He huffed, but accepted it. He settled himself underneath the sheets, staring up at the ceiling. He wanted to get something off his shoulders, I know it. I can literally feel him think.




"Why did you hug me, after we saved you and took a break from driving?"

Ding ding ding, there it is.

I shifted a bit. "Umm.. Because Rick told me you lost many people and you were very serious about rescuing me, because you didn't want to lose anymore people." I admitted. "And I felt like you needed one."

He lifted his eyebrows, but then nodded slightly, followed by a yawn. "Okay, well I want this day to be over so I'm gonna sleep." He turned around and kept quiet.

Jason fell asleep, and he's probably going to sleep the whole day. As much as I don't want to admit it, but it's pretty boring right now, and when he's awake.. It's not, even though I hate him.

But I'm not complaining. I could run away, but when I open a door, alarms start blaring and I'll have eight guys chasing me.

Damn, eight hot guys chasing me, sounds like a plan.

Just kidding, they will be so angry.

I threw another look at Jason, who seemed very preoccupied in his sleep. "Man, if I only knew what was going on in that head of yours.." I quietly whispered.

My stomach started to protest soon, when hours passed and I still haven't had breakfast. I left Teddy in the bed, since he was asleep again. Puppy's need so much sleep.

As I threw my legs beside the bed, I looked over my shoulder. I furrowed my eyebrows in complete awe, when Teddy crawled over to Jason, because I was leaving. Ted is just so adorable.

I got up from the bed, and walked over to the door. I quietly opened it, leaving the room in silence. Walking off the stairs, I threw yet another gaze over my shoulder.

I gotta say, I'm pretty scared, everywhere I go. I'm in a house full of guys, gang guys. Who have guns. It's just the feeling that I'm being followed around and watched everywhere I go, and I hate it.

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