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A/N: This is my first Prince of Tennis Fanfiction Ever! (^0^)  Warning...I am a hundred percent sure the characters will be out of character. I am just not good at keeping them in character, but I will try my best to. Also I plan to make the chapters long, but I am going to make this chapter short since it's the prologue!


                                                                   It’s His World: Prologue

The young boy gasped for breath.

He couldn’t see.

He couldn’t hear.

 He couldn’t smell.

 He could barely breathe.

Yet this feeling he had; it wasn’t fear. It was strange and somewhat nostalgic. He knew this feeling.

He slowly closed his eyes and ignored the exasperated crowd hollering around him. He steadied his breath and collected his thoughts.

         ‘This feeling...’ He thought to himself. ‘I know this feeling…This familiar feeling in my bones, this feeling coursing through my veins, but what is it? This feeling welling up inside me...’

                            “Tennis is fun…isn’t it, Ryoma?”

        His breathing hitched as an old memory started to cloud his mind. ‘ fun?’ The thought echoed in his mind.

“Excuse me young man, but if you don’t serve soon, you will be forced to forfeit.” A voice stated breaking him out of his thoughts.

“Don’t bother talking to him, he senses have been dulled.”  He heard the man across from him, beyond the net, snicker.

His eyes snapped open, unnoticed by the people around him. He thanked his hat for covering his eyes and a smirk started to fix itself on his face.

He could see, smell, hear, every sense he thought he lost returned. His lips twitched upward as a smile slowly began to form.

The weight he felt toppling down onto him had lifted itself. He understood what this feeling was now.

It wasn’t fear.

It wasn’t exhaustion.

The feeling was of him facing an obstacle so impossible for him to pass through. The feeling of his determination not declining but increasing; it was a feeling he thought he had lost. 

He stared at the ground and muttered, “Tennis...”

The referee lifted his hat slightly and asked, “Excuse me?’

Ryoma swiftly lifted his head and faced the man across the court from him. He raised his racket and pointed it at his shocked opponent.

“Old man, Tennis is fun. Isn’t it?” He smiled.

Then the world around him turned white, as he felt a surge of energy pass through him.

      Little did the young man know that this would be the day that would change his life forever.


This is not the Yukimura/ Ryoma match that happened at the end of the anime! It's just similar >.<

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