Chapter Two. A New Member

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After about a day of flying, the trio finally came to Pallet Town and saw what Team Rocket had made the quiet Town into: there was grunts everywhere, people where being led of to jail in chains, pokemon where being tortured and "reconditioned" at the laughter of Team Rocket, it was a sickening sight. Ash then went to the nearest command post and within 50 seconds, the grunts were dead and no one knew of it, then Ash proceeded to kill everyone one of the Grunts and Scientists in Pallet Town in under two hours. He then released the Pokémon and healed them using Aura, then busted the residents of Pallet Town out of jail and then returned their pokemon to them.

Everyone rejoiced, at late they were free, free to be themselves, free to make their own choices, for at last, Team Rocket was gone and their lives weren't under threat from Team Rocket anymore, everyone in Pallet thanked this mysterious man for saving them and all he asked for was a bed and some food. The residents were happy to give him some food and a bed, he and his team ate and then went on patrol to make sure they had rid the town of Team Rockets filth.

At 11:00 P.M., Ash and his team were going back to their residence, when they saw a Team Rocket grunt running into a house. Espeon then used her Psychic powers to determine that there was a young woman about Ash's age in the house.

Ash then busted through the door, flanked by Pikachu and Lucario, Espeon telling them where the intruder and the civilian were. Ash then heard a scream and quickly rushed to were the scream had originated and found the Team Rocket Grunt holding a knife inches from a young woman's throat.

" Now hero, you are going to let me go, or I will kill this woman where she stands" the lowlife said with venom.

" You have until the count of five to release her or I will personally break every bone in your body" Ash said in a cold, emotionless tone.

"Didn't you hear me, I will kill her right now..." The grunt started to say, until Espeon had used Psychic on him, then Ash had rushed in using Aura Speed and had grabbed the girl away from the grunt. Ash then punched the grunt in the face so hard that it knocked him out and Espeon teleported the grunt to Pallet Town's jail, then Ash turned his attention to the girl shaking in fear at his feet. She was around his size, five feet, 10 inches, had long flowing white hair, tanned skin like himself and when he saw her eyes, he noticed that her eyes were the bluest blue ever and Ash felt the spark of Aura inside of her.

Ash then knelt down so that they were eye level with each other and asked her in a voice that would calm anyone, " Are you alright?"

She shook her head up and down.

"What is your name?" Ash asked her.

"I..I..It...It's...It's Anna Twilight." Anna said in a shaky voice.

"Alright Anna, my name is Ash Ketchum, it's alright, the lowlife is gone, your safe" Ash said, before Anna broke downand cried into his chest. Ash just sat their and slowly rocked her and rubbed her back while saying soothing words to her until she calmed down.

Ash then lead her to her bedroom and was about to leave when she said in a scared voice, " Please don't leave."
To which Ash replied, "Alright, if you insist", and laid down in her bed as she cuddled near him to feel safe. Ash was felling tired after a long day fighting against Team Rocket and his pokemon where resting in the house, except for Tyrantrum, Torterra and Garchomp, who were much to large to fit inside the house so they stayed inside their Pokeballs.

Ash's thoughts then turned to the amazing woman whom was cuddling up with him and Ash didn't know what to feel for his heart had been broken when Serena had died that fateful day and he didn't know if he could love again, but then he decided that the past wouldn't define who he was and he would be happy again and he wanted to see what relationship he could have with this women if she wanted to have a relationship with him too and slowly, sleep claimed him and he dreamed of the amazing person he had just met.

Time Skip.

Sun creped down upon Anna's eyes and slowly she awoke and felt her fleshy pillow move and she turned and saw a young man around her age and she remembered last night and quickly got up and changed her clothes and saw Ash was up and was feeding his pokemon.

"Oh, how are you doing Anna?" Ash asked when he saw her standing there.

"I'm doing better, considering what happened last night" said Anna.

"Okay, well I made breakfast for you, it's bacon and eggs" said Ash as he pointed to a plate holding Anna's breakfast was right by Ash's breakfast.

Anna then released her pokemon, which consisted of a small male Eevee, a small female Wigglytuff, and a female Pikachu which then mingled with Ash's pokemon.

Ash and Anna then sat down and talked together about themselves, about those that they had lost o Team Rocket and also about their journeys. Ash then cleaned up and prepared to leave , but Anna then asked, " Would you mind if I came with you on your journey to destroy Team Rocket?"

"You know that this his going to be dangerous, right?" Ash asked.

"Yeah, but also I know that you are going to need backup for when things go down."Anna said in atone that stated that she would not take "no" for an answer.

"Very well, I will allow you to come with me, but if I do, you must train both your Pokémon and yourself, for you have the gift of aura, and will one day be a Aura Guardian." Ash stated.

" I agree to train myself in Aura and toughen up my Pokémon and to aid you in any way possible on your journey." Anna vowed.

"Alright, well we better get going" Ash said and then recalled all of his Pokémon except Pikachu and Espeon, who took their place on his shoulders and Anna had her backpack packed and her pokemon recalled in under 30 minutes and then the two left Pallet Town and walked to the next Team Rocket hideout, Viridian City.

Hello all! So what do you guys think of the new Ash-Shipping? Don't worry, I will have them hook up by at least the second city after the one coming up, so number four on Team Rocket elimination and what do think of Anna? I will tell you, not easy coming up with an original idea form this character, but I like her design, kind of like a balancing act for Ash, so he won't fall to his darkest side and so without further ado, Love,Peace and have a good day / night.

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