Chapter Six. Spirits Of Old.

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Ash and Anna were walking through the ancient and foreboding town of Lavender Town and they saw the Infamous Pokemon Tower, the resting place of departed Pokémon and the place where their spirits are laid to rest.

Ash felt a strange pull to the tower so he and Anna walked there and looked around.

Ash saw a flash in the corner of his eye and when he went to investigate, there was nothing there.

He and Anna searched for hours, but didn't find anything and so were about to leave the tower, when a ghost appeared.

Ash's eye's became as big as soccer ball's when he saw this ghost, for it was his mother's ghost.

"Mom?" Ash asked in a quite voice.

"Yes Ash. It is I, Delia Ketchum, mother of Ash Ketchum. Ash, I and the others you lost on that day are going to wait for you on the top floor." Delia said and then she vanished.

Ash and Anna raced up the floors until they reached the last floor, on which their was a door.

But when Ash went to open it, a Shadow Ball attack came out of nowhere and nearly struck Ash.

When the dust cleared, a huge white Gengar appeared and shouted "This ancient sanctum shall not be desecrated  by selfish humans! Now begone!" and after he said that, Gengar launched an endless barrage of Shadow Balls at Ash and Anna, who dodged out of the way of the deadly blasts.

"Greninja, use Dark Pulse and Shadow Sneak!" Ash said as the ever faithful Water Starter came out. Once he identified his enemy, Greninja sent a wave of darkness at Gengar, who was unprepared for such an attack and was struck full force by the attack and sent flying while Greninja blended into the darkness of the room and disappeared from all eyes, only to reappear a few feet from Gengar and then Greninja struck Gengar in the face with his fist covered in shadows and Greninja punched Gengar in the face with the fist, dealing massive damage.

Gengar was angry and so he formed another ball of energy, but this one was yellow and before Greninja was struck with the Thunderbolt attack, causing him to grimance in pain.

"Greninja, use Hydro Pump, then use Shadow Sneak and finish it with a Dark Pulse!" Ash said.

Greninja nodded and then gathered the energy within himself and then converted that energy into water and sent that water out of his mouth striking Gengar in the face and sending Gengar crashing into a wall. Greninja then became one with the shadows once again and travelled in the darkness once again and then, once was close enough, Greninja punched Gengar in the stomach, making Gengar bend over in horrible pain. Once Gengar was down, Greninja gathered a large amount of dark energy and then sent the energy out in a huge pulse of darkness.

Gengar was unable to dodge the energy wave in time and so used protect and a green shield appeared in front of Gengar and the wave of darkness didn't hurt Gengar and now he was mad and so he gathered his energies in a new way and to Ash and Anna Gengar had made a ball of raw blue energy and Ash recognized the move too late.

"Greninja, get out of there!" Ash yelled in desperation, but it was too late.

Greninja didn't have time to avoid the Focus Blast and was sent flying by the immense power behind that move.

Greninja was now panting, he was almost spent now, he didn't know if he could continue.

"Greninja, I know you can do. I believe in you!" Ash yelled.

Greninja thought back to all the good times he had had with Ash and he new he,couldn't fail here, not after all Ash had done for him throughout the years.

Greninja gave a mighty war cry as new found power came rushing throughout his body and he then glowed and a massive torrent of water wrapped itself around him.

Gengar, Ash and Anna were all shocked to see this event.

Ash felt a strange connection to Greninja and when the water left, Greninja looked a lot like Ash and Ash could feel the power coming from Greninja.

"Alright Greninja, use Dark Pulse!" Ash yelled.

Greninja opened his eyes and a larger Dark Pulse than any the others had ever seen came rushing forth and struck Gengar, brining Gengar to his knees.

Gengar formed a large blue sphere again and then launched it, but Greninja moved faster than anything the group had ever seen and to wrap this battle up, Greninja sent the worlds largest Water Shurkin at Gengar, who was knocked out by the sheer power behind that Water Shurkin.

Ash and Anna were stunned by Greninja's new power and rushed to congratulate him.

Greninja sighed in relief that he was victorious and he then glowed and was back to his regular form.

Ash hugged Greninja and recalled Greninja so his old friend could get some rest.

Ash and Anna then opened the door and saw the ghost of all the people and pokémon he had lost that day in Pallet Town.

Ash cried as he saw all those he had lost were now in front of him an he talked to them and they asks back.

As the reunion drew to a close, Delia said on behalf of everyone their, they couldn't stay in the realm of the living anymore, for they had stayed to long and now it was time to go.

Ash was sad to lose the great people and Pokémon a second time, but he knew they deserved the peace and rest of death, so he said goodbye and watched as they left for whatever lies beyond death.

Ash and Anna left the tower feeling much better, for Greninja had harnessed a new power and also, Ash now had closure for what happened all those years ago.

They checked into the local Pokecenter and then went to sleep.

Hello Everyone! This was a interesting chapter, I really didn't know what to type, so his came , but I like how it turned out and yes, Ash-Greninja will be making more appearances, but Ash won't be knocked out because he is an Aura Guardian and so, without further adu, Love, Peace, and have a good day / night.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2016 ⏰

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