Guitars and Sappy Love Songs

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Stiles loves his guitar. Not even Scott knew that. Only the Sheriff, but since the death of Claudia, he has never heard a single strum. Not because Stiles doesn't play but because he does it when he isn't there. He'll pull down the latch to the attic, pull out the old clothes of hers that neither of them could bare to throw out, wrap the sleeves of the cardigan she always wore when teaching him around his arms and would sit and play. He plays when he feels like jumping out of a very high window, to take away the pain. Nobody ever knew. Until one day he decides to start playing and singing a song, completely unaware of the surly werewolf sat on his roof with a love of Taylor Swift.

He could hear the sobs and smell the tears, but he didn't have the courage to drop down from his position hidden behind the chimney pot, and slide through Stiles' open window. He didn't have the courage to sit by his bed, pull him into a hug and tell him how much he cared and how terrible it made him feel that Stiles was upset. How terrible it made him feel that he had caused that upset.
He hadn't meant to shout, but he had, even though he knew Stiles hadn't been serious about what he'd said, but Derek wasn't known for his ability to- well- talk to people without grumping at them.
"Fuck it." He heard Stiles mumble as he stopped crying. "DAD?! YOU HOME?"
Derek heard him scramble to a standing position and walk over to the window, tripping on something as he did. The window slid open wider and Derek peeked over the edge of the roof to see him hanging out the window to look see if his dad's cruiser was there, before his head disappeared again.
Derek followed the sound of him with his eyes as he moved to the hallway and stopped, then the sound of the hatch to the attic rang out, the ladder clattering loudly as it extended and then Stiles' feet clanging on them.
The shuffling of boxes and then strumming of a guitar.
The sound was clearer with Stiles sat in the attic and Derek recognised the tune being played almost immediately. The alpha did have a soft spot for Taylor Swift.

"There I was again tonight,

Forcing laughter, Faking smiles, Same old tired lonely place." 

Stiles was singing, sending shivers down Derek's spine at the unexpected beauty of it.

"Walls of insincerity, Shifting eyes and vacancy, Vanished when I saw your face. All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you.

Your eyes whispered have we met,

Crossed the room your silhouette, Starts to make it's way to me. The playful conversation starts, Counter all your quick remarks like, Passing notes in secrecy. And it was enchanting to meet you. All I can say is I was enchanted to meet you.

This night is sparkling,

Don't you let it go. I'm wonderstruck, Blushing all the way home. I'll spend forever, Wondering if you know, I was enchanted to meet you."

His voice was flooded with emotion and Derek had a hard time not rushing in and hugging him, but the frantic voice he'd had when checking his dad wasn't home made him think Stiles would rather nobody know.

"I was enchanted to meet you."

Almost as if in a trance, Derek moved from his hiding spot and slowly crept down the roof, sliding into the house.

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