This Could Get In-TENTS

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"'Come on, Stiles. You have to come, the whole pack is coming.'" Thwack. "'Come on, Stiles. You probably won't even see him, you know he's a grumpy motherfucker.'" Shmack. "'Come on, Stiles. I'll share a tent with you.'" FWACK!

The stick Stiles had been whacking around his best friend's head smashed at the final blow, shattering to pieces over the forest floor.
"I'm sorry, Stiles."
"Sorry ain't good enough buddy! I have to share a TENT with him. You blew me off."
"I didn't know Kira was coming! I didn't want her to have to share with Derek."
"Why don't you share with him?! You don't have a massive fucking awkward crush on the guy!"
Scott smirked.
"That's exactly why you did it isn't it?"
Scott didn't reply only ducked his head and giggled, so Stiles grabbed the nearest stick he could find and CRACK!
"I will get revenge, McCall!" He yelled out as the young wolf ran off.
"Why are you getting revenge?" A voice said and Stiles jumped as he spun towards it, stumbling into a tree from surprise. Derek was slowly jogging towards him, shirt off and tucked into his pocket. Of course that was the first thing Stiles focussed on before he remembered he was asked a question.
"He has a master plan and it involves my almost definite embarrassment come morning time."
"I'll look forward to it."
"No you won't. It will probably involve you in some way. Lucky you for getting paired with me to sleep in a tent with."
Derek snorted.
"I could think of worse people to share with. I honestly feel most sorry for Boyd and Liam. Boyd because Erica is a whiny bitch 99.7% of the time and Liam because Isaac fidgets like no other."
Stiles laughs and they start walking towards the pack's camp.
"How do you know I don't whine or fidget?"
"I've watched you sleep before."
Stiles tripped over a log, falling into the campsite as Derek walked off to the waterfall nearby they'd made a makeshift shower with.
"I'm going to bed, guys." Stiles yawned out, cracking his back as he stretched over the log he was leant on. He carefully picked his way out from under Isaac and Scott who were half curled on him and each other in order to stand up and headed towards the tent he was staying in. As he passed, Lydia, Allison, Malia and Kira all reached out towards him for a goodnight hug which he accepted and he affectionately rubbed Liam's hair as he passed the passed out boy curled up leaning into Boyd.
He stepped into the tent and zipped it up. It was a lot more spacious than it looked and Stiles couldn't help comparing it to the one in Harry Potter or the TARDIS or something else nerdy like that.
He pulled off his jeans replacing them with a pair of pajama bottoms before ripping his shirt over his head, tossing it to the side. He jumped hearing the zip of the tent jingling and he turned to see Derek walk in. He smiled awkwardly before grabbing a shirt and throwing it on.
"I didn't know you actually had muscle." Derek mumbled as he passed him and collapsed onto his bed. "Like one of those cats that are so fluffy that when you see them wet you're like huh, you're actually really tiny. The opposite happens with you."
Stiles laughed slightly.
"Are you suggesting you want to see me wet." He chuckled out ducking down to lay on his bed.
"I wouldn't be opposed to it."
Stiles let out a spluttered sound of surprise as Derek laughed to himself.
"Have you and Scott got your tickets?"
"What the hell are talking about now?"
"Your ticket for the Embarass Stiles train."
Stiles rolled over and hid under the covers of his bed. Derek laughed again.
"Wow, two laughs in under a minute! You feeling okay?"
He felt Derek kick his air mattress slightly and it shifted sideways at impact.
"You're irritating." Derek muttered.
"Should have already known that buddy ol' pal!"
"Stiles, shut up or imma slowly let the air out of your mattress."
"Then you'll find me on yours."
"I wouldn't be opposed to that either."
Stiles blindly whipped his belt out behind him and both cringed and grinned wildly when he heard the smack of leather on skin, followed by a tiny 'ow'.
But the grin faded when he felt his mattress being slid across the floor and the pressure in the bed change as the weight of someone heavier pressed down on it too. He opened his eyes as he was roughly pushed onto his back and looked up to see Derek leant over him.
"Wanna try that again?" Derek asked, making Stiles very glad that Deaton had taught him how to control his heartbeat and his emotion scent, so he wouldn't be embarrassed further by this situation.
"Why aren't you talking?"
Stiles grinned and continued looking up at him.
"Stiles? The only time since I've met you that I've actually wanted you to speak and you're silent.
Stiles rolled away and to his bag, pulling a pen out the front pocket and writing on his hand before showing it to Derek.
"You told me to shut up.' Dude, I always tell you to shut up and it's never worked."
Stiles shrugged and wrote on his arm.
"We're sharing a tent. Thought it best to be quiet so you don't murder me in my sleep.' I wouldn't murder you."
Stiles wrote on Derek's hand this time.
"'How do I know that?' Well you wouldn't, but know that I wouldn't want you dead because as annoying as you are, you are actually a decent person to talk to."
Stiles laughed slightly and wrote on his arm where his long sleeves were pulled up to the elbow.
"'Knew you loved me really'..."
Derek rolled his eyes and poked his arm before pushing his mattress away and rolling over.
"Night Stiles."
"Night Sourwolf."
Derek smiled to himself and allowed himself to be lulled asleep by the softening sound of Stiles' heart as he drifted off too.
Stiles was sat by the campfire with Scott as the young werewolf tried to cook something for breakfast.
He was leaning so close to the flames it made Stiles roll his eyes, latch onto his shoulders and pull him back so they were both laying on the floor giggling.
"Any closer and you would be sitting in the fire with the bacon, dude." Stiles laughed as he refused to release his grip on his friend.
"Dude, I wanna make buddies with the flames, they nice! They kind!" Scott continued to thrash around attempting to escape Stiles' embrace. "Almighty Alpha Hale! Mind helping me get the annoying human off of me."
Stiles let go and glared at his friend.
"I'm not annoying, I'm delightful."
Scott laughed going back to his food as Derek plonked himself next to Stiles who was still laying on the floor.
"How's life, Sourwolf?" He giggled wiggling around to lift his legs and cross them on Derek's shoulder.
Stiles laughed and grabbed a long stick, reaching out with it to the nearest tent and hooking it in the zipper and opening the door, revealing Allison, Lydia and Malia, still asleep inside.
"Morning sleeping beauties!" Stiles sang poking their mattresses with a stick waking them up.
"I'm gonna kill you." All three mumbled and Stiles shot up into a sitting position.
"Violence is never the answer. Protect me Almighty Alpha Hale!"
He attached himself to Derek's arm as the girls crawled out of their tent to sit round the fire.
"Hey Stiles?" Scott said grinning. "Use you brilliant skills to wake the others up. Be careful with Kira, she might try to kick you in the face. I'm bloody lucky I healed right now."
Stiles giggled and stood up, readjusted his pajamas and headed to Scott and Kira's tent.
She was nestled in the blankets in the middle of the bed all curled up in a ball, like a dog or a... Well or like a fox.
"Kira?" He called before going over grabbing the mattress and lifting it up, tipping her off it.
"I'm gonna kill you." She muttered.
"Everyone is so violent this morning."
He reached the tent with Erica and Boyd in, opened it.
"I can tell you are both awake, get up."
They both groaned.
"We're gonna kill you too!" Erica growled as she sat up, smiling with faux sweetness.
Stiles grinned and went to the last tent with Liam and Isaac, opening it and collapsing face first on Isaac.
"Stiles?" He muttered as he moved, accidentally kicking and waking up Liam in the process.
"The one and only!"
"Excellent, I'm gonna murder you. I won't run the risk of you being stronger than me."
"I'll help." Liam agreed sitting up and stretching.
"Everyone is so grumpy and... Murderous today!" Stiles complained as he flopped down where he was earlier, next to Derek and now Allison too. "If you all do try to murder me, this trip will get in-TENTS."
He started laughing as the others groaned and Allison punched him in the arm.
"How are you so nfdjdkd?" Derek said making a noise as he elbowed Stiles.
"I'm always nfdjdkd in the morning. It's just part of who I am!"
"It's irritating."
"We went through this last night. Yes I am irritating, but you should know that by now."
"Stiles, shut up and eat!" Scott growled placing a plate in his lap.
"Thank you Scotty!"
Everyone laughed as he started wolfing down his food before anyone else had even picked up their forks.
Once everyone was finished they all sat around for a while chatting.
"Derek?" Lydia said pulling him into the conversation he had been ignoring. "What is that scrawled over your arm?" She pointed her finger to where Stiles' writing was poking out of the sleeve of his shirt. He looked down and realised what she was talking about.
"It says, 'Knew you loved me really'."
"Who do you love really?"
"Stiles apparently."
Stiles laughed and fell sideways into his lap, wrapping his arms round his neck in a weird hug.
"Not apparently! Definitely! Otherwise you would have murdered me in my sleep! You said I was a decent person to talk to!"
"You're decent, not who I'd choose to talk to but you're decent."
"You love me!"
"Sure okay."
Stiles laughed once more while the others exchanged a weird look.
"I'm going to use the waterfall." Stiles scrambled up and moved away, tripping over a log as he did, and disappeared into the trees leaving the others in silence.
"You're really crap at flirting, Derek." Liam spoke up, getting a general murmur of agreement from the other weres.
Derek mumbled something that sounded vaguely like 'I wasn't flirting dumbass' but that just made them laugh.
"Care to explain to the humans?" Allison spoke, waving her hand between herself and Lydia.
"Derek keeps smelling of love and happiness whenever he sees Stiles, yet he still refuses to accept that we know." Scott grinned and Derek simply groaned and folded into himself.
"Derek, if you accept the pack's knowledge of the situation, I'll help you with your endeavours." Lydia smiled sweetly at him.
Derek poked his head up from his arms, just enough to look at her, not enough to reveal the blush on his face.
He groaned once more.
"Fine. I accept that you know that I like the kid." He tucked his head back into his arms as the group broke out into a chorus of aws.
"Come on. I'll start now." Lydia's hand wrapped around his wrist in a vice like grip and she tugged til he shifted to follow her.
They were approaching the waterfall when she stopped and pointed through the trees to where Stiles was stood in his underwear, soaked and smiling, his eyes shut.
"Okay." She whispered tapping Derek's face to get his attention. "He has a really weird sense of humour. Use your werewolf stealth to go over there and make him jump. From there just sort of be your normal self with him. That waterfall is pretty much all you need to get the mood going."
She grinned and ducked away and Derek let her leave completely before he headed over to the water. He undressed to just his underwear and stepped into the pool coming close behind the oblivious boy and grabbing his waist, making him squeak as his back collided into Derek's chest.
"Oh my god, dude!" He laughed poking him slightly as he moved away.
Lydia stumbled back into the clearing, laughing to herself.
"Does Derek know Stiles likes him too?" Malia asked looking up at everyone.
"Nope." Scott grinned out laughing. "What's going down?"
"I don't know, but we need the coyote and a camera!" Lydia squealed falling onto Allison's back in an odd hug. "We need photographic evidence of Derek and Stiles under the waterfall being all cute!"
Soon they had all pushed Malia towards the waterfall with Lydia's pink Polaroid camera and she tiptoed off into the trees. Once she came back she grinned before showing them the picture.
The pack started laughing and smiling and moving over each other to get a better look, Scott even started wolf whistling at it. But then Derek and Stiles appeared, hands intertwined and smiles on their faces.
The pack showed them the picture.
"That's actually quite cute!" Stiles laughed taking it from Malia leaning into Derek's chest.
The two of them under the sheets of water, lips locked, Stiles' hands were on Derek's face, while one of his was round Stiles' waist and the other was flipping the camera off subtly, on that arm Stiles' writing could be seen. Knew you loved me really
"Yeah. It is." Derek agreed pulling Stiles closer.


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