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Derek touched things he liked. He often did it, it was habit by now. Good thing nobody really minded. Accept the only person he wanted to touch.

He really didn't want to be here. He knew it. Laura knew it. The pretty blonde sat opposite him knew it. He wasn't uncomfortable as such. He'd just prefer to not be there at the present. Or ever really.
"You didn't have to come." She said with a gentle British accent before running a hand through her hair. "You should have just told Laura to fuck off and be done with it."
Derek smiled and sat up in his chair.
"Sorry, it's just... I don't have a very good experience with dating." He mumbled picking at the bread on the plate in front of him.
"Me neither. Hence your older sister has been bugging me to meet you." She pulled off a bit of her own bread and flicked it at him, making him laugh slightly.
"I don't have a good experience with blondes either."
"I heard. But not every person with blonde hair is down for murder."
Derek actually laughed that time. A full on laugh.
"Good point. Why'd you agree to come?"
"Because I think, even though I'll try my best to help, the love department isn't high on your list of priorities. But I can help with other things."
Derek frowned up at her.
"What do you mean, 'help'?"
"Well, you're a bit... How to put this nicely... Fuck it... You're a mess... You're stressed, depressed and not even that well dressed. Seriously, how did you manage to get past Laura looking like that? Anyway, I'm a therapist and I can give you some advice on being less of a mess."
He looked at her again before calling the waiter for the bill, they both paid their share, the agreement they made before they went in.
"Advice how?" He asked holding the door open, he may not be interested in her but he was still raised properly.
"Touch. I've noticed you don't touch things or people that might have sentiment. You don't touch strangers you don't touch. When I was round last week, you looked like you wanted to bleach clean your whole body after shaking hands with the UPS guy."
Derek smiled slightly as they walked. New York looked spectacular at night and as usual he was blown away by the sights.
If he had any interest in dating, the scene would be perfect for one. The company wasn't bad either. Rosa, his sister's best friend and his current date, was pretty and kind, she smiled and anyone stopped to look. But he wasn't interested in dating. Neither was she.
"I don't like touching people."
"Touch is what makes you human."
"I'm not exactly human here, Rosa."
"It's what keeps you in control of your happiness then. Seriously, try it! Hug someone you care about, don't flinch away if someone bumps into you. Touch." She reached up and poked his cheek and before they knew it they were outside Derek and Laura's shared apartment.
"Try it. See ya around, Derek." She went to walk off but Derek caught her arm, spinning her around and hugging her softly.
"Sorry, I was a lousy date." He said letting go.
"It's alright. I was too." She laughed and patted his arm before waving and skipping off singing the Hedwig Theme.
"You were right. That made me feel better." He called out to her and she smiled over her shoulder before waving again.


Derek liked touching things and people. It was something he did by habit now and luckily the people around him didn't mind either.
The urge to touch was stronger when related to pack. When Isaac came home, Derek would hug him. When Lydia left her pocket mirror at the loft like usual, he'd pick it up and hold it until the cool metal was warm from his hand. When Scott came round to visit, the three would curl up on the sofa watching movies.
The person he was urged more to touch though was Stiles, though he had to refrain. Stiles didn't like being touched. He'd flinch every time someone did, even Scott, as if expecting to experience pain. He never left anything at the loft and Derek was never close enough to him to visit his house, so he couldn't touch anything to do with the boy.
That was until Scott had a good idea.
Pack Bonding Sessions
That was what the little letter said and though everyone said it was stupid, everyone showed up. Even Jackson.
They all had a bag or two in Lydia's case, they'd brought with them and everyone dumped them on Derek's bed. They knew the bonding would just end up turning into a giant cuddle down on the huge bed so they cut out the middle man and left everything there. They had done it a few times, everyone always claiming it'd suck, but they always enjoyed themselves. Especially Derek. The touching thing got a little weird sometimes. But Stiles never turned up. He always had an excuse, but this time they were all shocked when the door slid open revealing Stiles stood with a big bag as they were starting Age of Ultron.
"You guys were gonna watch Avengers without me?" He asked in mock horror as he watched everyone huddled on the floor on the sofa cushions and blankets with popcorn and other snacks.
"You never come." Derek said standing up and going over to take his bag from him. Stiles flinched slightly as their fingers brushed, but it was only minuscule compared to usual, which made happiness fill Derek like a wave.
"I'll take your stuff upstairs for you, you can watch the movie." Derek smiled as Stiles gave him a thumbs up, before turning and heading upstairs.
He plonked the half open bag on the bed and fully intended to just go back down stairs but the urge to touch something of Stiles' overtook him and he found himself reaching forward and running his fingers over the fabric of a pale blue t-shirt.
"Shouldn't touch what isn't yours." A voice said and Derek turned to see Stiles stood in the doorway.
"Sorry. I just... I like to touch. Especially pack. I've never been able to touch you."
Stiles looked down before walking closer and sitting down on the bed.
"Yeah. Touch isn't very high on the wish list."
"I understand that. When Laura and I first moved to New York I hated touching people."
Stiles nodded and looked up at Derek.
"My... Uh... My therapist told me to try and touch more. Told me it'd keep me human."
"If you don't mind me asking, what's your therapist called?"
"Um... Rosa B-something."
Derek laughed while Stiles looked confused.
"Rosa Bailey. She told me the same thing, British right?"
"Wait, you're the one from New York who hates touch?"
Derek nodded and sat on the bed next to him.
"The hardest part isn't the first touch. It's the second. The adrenaline of the idea of touching, of making yourself better, that gets you through the first. The second is harder. It's easier to get comfortable with one person at a time."
Stiles nodded.
"Thanks... Uh, Derek?"
"Turn your hand over and put it on your leg."
Derek did as he was told and placed the back of his hand against his thigh watching Stiles to see what he was doing.
The younger simply reached forward and touched his hand with his index finger and middle finger. He gently made a little swirling pattern before moving them up to Derek's wrist, he drew a spiral there too before moving up to his elbow. He pulled back and smiled, as did Derek.
"Let's go watch movies." Derek grinned standing up and waiting for Stiles to join him, together they headed down the stairs and into the living room where the pack was now settled with the movie on pause.
Derek headed to the middle of the group where he tucked himself in between Lydia and Isaac, who both attached themselves to his side, while Stiles sat on his designated arm chair wrapped up in a blanket by himself.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2016 ⏰

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