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Inspiration: Listen closely to the songs I play. Because they speak the words I'm too afraid to say.

He always had his headphones on nowadays. Music never loud enough for the werewolves in his life to hear, but loud enough to block out the voices of them. He would sit with the wire wrapped around his finger once before leading down to his iPod in his pocket. The iPod itself was scratched and dented, the screen smashed and the back drawn on with sharpie, lyrics and doodles dancing together in a medley of something just perfect. Just Stiles. His therapist had told the school to allow him the music, just write down the notes or give him pages in textbooks to read and answer questions on. And he kept a notebook to write him questions on, tucked in his pocket at all times. He kept the headphones on at all times but when at home. No matter how hard he tried he could never block out his father. Never.
He was sat in chemistry reeling off another page of questions Harris had set him, his headphones blaring Bring Me the Horizon into his skull making him absentmindedly tap the beat into his thigh.
He smiled as he finished the questions ready to put his hand up for more, when a note fluttered onto his page.
He glanced over at Derek Hale, the smartass, pretty boy from the school's basketball team whose eyes were burning holes into him.
Derek gestured to the note so Stiles opened it.
Why you always listening to music?
Stiles smiled and wrote one back.
Because I can
Well, what you listening to??
Not telling you
I listen to music because it speaks what I'm afraid to say.
So do I.
Since when have you been afraid of anything?

He didn't get another note because the bell went and Derek was dragged out of his seat by his friends. Though Stiles did notice him throw a smile his way.
I'm afraid of lots of things

That was the note that fluttered out of Stiles locker and he smiled as he tucked it in his notebook.
He felt a hand dip in his back pocket before he saw Isaac pop up beside him writing in it.
What ya smiling bout?
Okay, another question. Why is Hale staring at you like he wants to eat you?
Stiles looked up to look at the blonde who simply smirked and pointed out the door, where Derek was stood watching them. He shrugged and threw his things in his locker and closed the door, waving goodbye to Isaac as he did.
He headed out and felt a presence beside him. He glanced up to see Derek walking beside him; he smiled and wrote something down on a random piece of paper.
What you listening to?
Currently nothing particularly deep.
We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together.
I just broke up with my boyfriend.
Didn't know you were gay. Why'd you break up?
I'm not. Something to do with me never listening to him.
Derek laughed slightly and shook his head as they stopped outside Stiles' car, before he wrote one more note.
Wouldn't stop me dating you.
Stiles looked up at him suddenly as he smirked before jogging away to his own car.
What you listening to?
Stiles looked up. He was sat on the bleachers watching his friends playing lacrosse when a little girl ran up to him and passed him a note with a smile and a daisy chain. He recognised the handwriting but couldn't see the owner for a second until he spotted the girl. Derek was smiling at him, sat against a tree surrounded by a patch of daisies and Stiles rolled his eyes.
He pulled out his notebook and opened a random page writing in large sharpie.
Ripped Away- This Wild Life
Derek scribbled something down before handing his note to the little girl who skipped away around the field and over to me.
Stiles wrote one back and sent it with her.
'I'm a mess up, you never give up ya love.
Yeah, I'm a fuck up'
He watched as Derek laughed before he waved and disappeared into the forest, the little girl following after.
What are you listening to?
Stiles glanced at the note and smiled as he sat in the library. He looked up at Derek, who was lounging back on his chair in front of Stiles.
Not telling
Give me some lyrics then. Something that sums up your emotions right now. The reason you're listening.
What doesn't kill you makes you wish you were dead. Got a hole in my soul, growing deeper and deeper. And I can't take one more moment of this silence.
The loneliness is haunting me.
And the weight of the world's getting harder to hold up.
I like the song, what is it?
Not telling
I'll sit here and give my best puppy dog eyes
Stiles looked up at Derek to see him pulling a strange face; he laughed slightly and shook his head refocusing on his reading. No more notes landed in his lap, but he could feel the green grey eyes watching him.
Stiles glanced at his watch and smiled, he was meeting Scott soon and they were both going back to Stilinski residence with Melissa and the Sheriff for their weekly board game night. It was one of the only times Stiles would take his headphones off.
He looked up at Derek, who looked oddly sad, before he packed his books up and stood. He frowned at Derek before tapping the pause button through his jeans pocket and walking round to his side.
Though they were in the library, the sound was still deafening compared to the music that had been playing. He hadn't heard the sounds of school in a long time. He could feel his heart begin to pick up and noticed Derek looking concerned but he pushed it aside and bent down so his head was next to the others and whispered in his ear.
"Drown by Bring Me the Horizon." He said and Derek smiled as he looked up.
"I'll listen to it tonight." He smiled and reached forward to tap play. As soon as the music began again, anyone could see the relief fill Stiles like water in a glass. He was about to stand up but a hand on his neck stopped him and a kiss on his cheek shocked him. He glanced at Derek, heart hammering, to see him smiling gently before he stood up and walked with Stiles out of the library and out to the parking lot.
Once they were heading in a straight line towards the Jeep, Derek waved and leapt over a car to his own.
Stiles shook his head and clambered in, noticing Scott already there.
He pulled off the headphones once he'd taken a few deep breaths.
"You were talking to DEREK HALE!" Scott half yelped as soon as they hit his shoulders.
"Not really." Stiles laughed as Scott poked him.
"In note form but still, DEREK FREAKING HALE! You know he's like the most popular guy in school. What's happening?"
"He just asks me about the music sometimes. Asks what songs I'm listening to."
"That's so cute."
"Shut up."
Scott laughed as Stiles pulled out of the school, his phone buzzed making him jump and he pulled it out.
"Isaac says he saw Derek kiss you! Just asking about the music huh?" Scott yelped after a moment of silence between the two making Stiles jump and swerve slightly.
"Dude, not used to noise other than music stop yelling. It was on the cheek and more of a friendly gesture than anything."
"Kissed cheeks isn't friendly it's a sign he's totally into you."
"Okay then, well, your boyfriend, ex-girlfriend and mother are totally into me then as well."
Scott was quiet and Stiles laughed when he looked over to see a mock glare on his wonky features.
"Touché, Stiles. Touché."
They pulled up to the house and clambered out chatting aimlessly about this and that.
What you listening to?
The note fluttered into Stiles' view again as he tried answering chemistry questions.
He wondered whether to ignore, or answer. But the touch of Derek's little finger against his made him sigh and write a reply. Harris had moved Derek next to Stiles as a way to get him to stop talking to his friends, but now he just had more of a chance to ask Stiles random questions, seeing as he had to write notes to ask anything.
Burn Bright -My Chemical Romance.
"Not ashamed of who I am
I took the pills
For these empty nights
Because it makes me who I am

They always told me that
"You'll never get to heaven
With a love like yours."
I like that
Stiles made a sarcastic thumbs up before getting on with his work.
What's wrong?
Why are you asking?
Why are you?
Because I care enough to ask
You don't know me
I feel I probably know you more than you've meant for me to.
Stiles looked at him before huffing, raising his hand and pointing to the door when Harris looked at him. He received a single nod and he left.
He hurried to the bathroom and sat down on the sink counter, meeting nobody on his way. Life was getting hard. It was the anniversary of his mother's death. His dad had had to go out of town for a week or two. His best friend hadn't been at school. He felt like throwing himself off a very tall building but he'd made too many promises and he didn't want to break any of them. Not again.
He sighed letting his shoulders fall forward as he rested his elbows on his knees.
The note made him jump and he almost fell in a sink. Almost.
He looked towards Derek who was leant against a cubicle door opposite.
Stiles pulled the pen from his back pocket and wrote a note back, holding his hand out for the other to take it.
Not your fault. Life is treating me like I ran over its dog.
Also not your fault. Why do you think you know me? I've said total of one line to you. Ever.
Each time you've told me a song I've gone and listened to it. You've told me over 300 by now and nearly all of them have a deep meaning to the lyrics that I feel shows the inside of you.
Why do you listen to them?
Because I'm madly in love with you.
Stiles rolled his eyes and pulled his headphones onto his shoulders.
"Real reason." He said looking up.
"That is the real reason." Derek stepped closer slightly as if testing the water. "As the amazing My Chemical Romance says 'You only hear the music when your heart begins to break'. And with a broken heart comes your real emotion and I can see the emotion in the songs and how you relate to them. I fall for people with emotion. I fell hard for you."
Stiles looked down at his lap as Derek took a few more steps forward.
"I... Uh... Know what day it is. I'm sorry about your mum." Stiles glanced up at him, feeling the familiar sensation of sadness rise up in his throat. "I'm also sorry your dad isn't around at the moment to be with you... If you want, I'll take you to go see her." Stiles smiled and nodded as he wiped away the tears that had dared escape his eye.
"Thanks, Derek."
Derek made and odd sound as he leant against the other's knees with his hips.
"Please never stop doing that." He whispered.
"Saying my name. I think I just fell in love with how you say it." Stiles laughed slightly shaking his head. "Hey, don't laugh. My parents landed me with a stupid name! My little sister is called Cora, mysterious and interesting. My name is Derek, dull and boring."
Stiles laughed again and glanced up to look at the other. They were extremely close but neither of them seemed to mind as they watched each other.
"I like the name Derek. Better than my real name."
"What's your real name?"
"Not even I know how to pronounce it."
They laughed slightly not noticing the way they breathed in the others air as if it was nothing.
"I like the name Stiles. It suits you."
They were silent for a second just watching each other.
"Uh, Stiles?"
"Can I...? Uh... That doesn't sound right. If it's alright with you...? No... Um.... I'd like to... I really wanna-"
Stiles cut him off by gently pressing his lips to Derek's.
"Yes. You can." He muttered against Derek's lips.
"Thanks." Stiles laughed lightly as he felt hands wrap around the back of his neck and tangle into his hair as they kissed more passionately, headphones lying forgotten round his neck.


I don't know what this is, oz rah. I was inpired by that quote and the fact that one of my friend's friends is allowed to always listen to music in class for thhe heavy anxiety that can't be treated because the pills will react to another pill he has to take... Idk it inspired me so I wrote this crap... Tell me what you think, and how I can improve, feedback is generally welcomed :) Have some cake....

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