Chapter 1- Not a Huge Fan

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Bianca's p.o.v.

Helena, why are you dragging me here again?" I ask my best friend, as she pulls me into the dark concert venue.

"Because you're my only friend that even has a slight interest in Lestat's music. Plus, you're absolutely goth royalty, so he might even notice you! You look absolutely gorgeous by the way!" She rambles, trying to get me to try to have a good-ish time. Yeah, I said good-ish.
I'm not a huge fan okay?

She drags me up to the front row, seeing as we're two hours early at the very least, and pulls out her phone. She takes a picture of the stage, and we lean against the barrier, waiting for the concert to start.

After the concert, I have to listen to ten minutes of Helena's whining because we didn't get noticed by the 'rock god'. So, to make her happy, I decided to take her to the gloomiest, creepiest ally-hidden bar I could find, and get drunk. I offer to pay for her drinks, but she says that she's just going to catch a bus home. I nod and we say our goodbyes. When she's gone, I walk toward the bar.

"I wouldn't go in there if I were you" Someone says from a few feet away. I stop in my tracks and face the person. I see a figure with blond hair, pale skin, and piercing eyes.

"Why shouldn't I? I really could use a drink right now" I glare at him, turning back to the door of the bar. Before I can open the door, I'm flung against the wall, hitting my head against it roughly.

"I could use a drink too" He seethes through his teeth. No, not teeth-- his fangs. I scream for help, but I'm cut short by his fangs ravenously digging into my neck. As he slowly tortures me with his fangs, I close my eyes and accept my fate.

Suddenly, it all stops, and I fall to the cold ground. I hear, faintly, another thud, and feel myself being lifted up. I start to panic, and push away from the person, fearing that the same thing would happen again.

"I'm not going to hurt you, silly human. I saved you" The person says harshly, holding me tightly. I look up to see their face, but I can't see clearly.

"I'm gonna die" I mutter quietly. The person laughs. Can you believe that? he laughed!

"You're not going to die. I will drop you at your home, and if you take care of that gash properly it will heal up quite cleanly. Now, close your eyes and hold on to me tightly. What is your address?" He sighs, picking me up completely. I hold on to him as tightly as I can, seeing as I'm weakened, and I tell him where I live.

I wake up the next morning, and put my shaky hand to my neck, feeling a thick bandage there.

"It wasn't a dream" I hear a familiar voice sigh from across the room..

--to be continued--

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