Chapter 3- We Meet Again

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Lestat's P.O.V.

After leaving Bianca's house, I call to Marius and hastily meet with him in a private location to speak with him about bloodlines concerning vampiric gene transfer.

"What do we need to discuss so urgently, Lestat?" Marius asks in his false paternal tone, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"I need information about vampiric bloodlines." I reply matter-of-factly.

"What do you mean, Lestat? Impregnate someone, did we?" He smiles cynically.

"No, I just need you to answer some questions. If you can, that is. If a half-vampire creates an offspring with a human, what vampiric traits will the offspring receive from the parent?"

"It all depends on how powerful the immortal who made the parent of the half-immortal child may be. The half-immortal would gain most of the vampiric traits, but the offspring may only receive purely physical attributes, such as pale skin and vampiric beauty. Possibly more. It's a very rare occurrence, Lestat, why are you asking these questions?" Marius frowns and furrows his eyebrows.

"I saved a girl from an attack last night, her name is Bianca. Her father was half-immortal, which would explain her pearly skin and rather cold body temperature, but there is something about her that feels more powerful than just any old vampire. I can't seem to put my finger on it, but it seems familiar. When I see her again, I will ask if she knows who made her grandparent into an immortal." I reply, but lose myself in possible explanations.

"She might also have the need for blood. Did she seem healthy to you? Well nourished? Human food may not be enough for her body to be at its full potential. If the vampire was indeed powerful, that is one of the traits she could carry." Marius cocks his head to the side. "You know what? Take me to her, we will find out together"

"She did seem a bit undernourished, her color was flush, even for how pale she is already. The Vampire who attacked her didn't take much blood, so that wouldn't be cause for her flush skin. I will take you to her tonight. The sun is almost risen, let's not stay outdoors." I nod to him and hurry to my old house with Marius following suit.


"Come, Marius. Let's go pay Bianca a visit" I call to Marius as I walk out of my house. I look back and see him exiting as well, and I start to fly (A.n. is that what you would call it?) in the direction of Bianca's apartment.

Bianca's P.O.V.

Walking into my bedroom from the kitchen, I feel a slight breeze blow.

"Hmm. Thought I closed the window.." I mutter to myself, walking over to the window to close it, only to see that it is, in fact, closed. Before I can question the breeze, I'm thrown against my dresser with enough force to make it bang against the wall. I fall to the floor and look up at the unknown person. I recognize the man as the one that attacked me at that club or bar or whatever it was.

"Ah, we meet again... Getting chummy with Lestat, are you?" He chuckles quietly, grabbing me by the throat and lifting me off the floor. "What's so special about you, huh?"

"I wish I could show you, you stank-breath motherfucker" I say as loudly as I can with his hand crushing my windpipe.

"I don't like your attitude" He laughs before tearing the bandage off of the wound he previously caused.

"I'm not afraid of dying, stupid bastard" I laugh dryly as he tilts my head to the side.

"You should be, this is going to hurt" He smiles before baring his fangs, biting into my neck and tearing the wound open further. I try to scream, but all that comes out are a series of squeaks as tears flow out of my eyes. I feel myself becoming weaker and weaker by the second as he drains the life out of me, and I collapse against him involuntarily. The last thing I see is my window fly open before blackness envelopes me completely.

After what feels like hours of pure blackness, I wake slightly to the feeling of someone's cold arms lifting me slightly. I hear someone calling to me, telling me to open my eyes. I open them as far as I can and see Lestat holding me.

"Bianca, do you want me to make you immortal, or leave you to your current fate?" He asks, his eyes showing slight sympathy.

"I- I don't want to die" I gasp, sounding ragged. (as if I expected any differently)

"As you wish, child" He nods, bringing his wrist to his mouth and biting into it before holding it above my mouth, letting his blood drip onto my lips. "Drink, Bianca, you will be okay"

I nod weakly and bring my hand up to grip his forearm, bringing his wrist to my mouth, letting his blood fill my mouth. My eyes fly open at the pure taste of it, the sweetness. I hold his wrist tighter against my mouth and attempt to get more to flow out at a time. Lestat pulls his arm away and groans.

"Suppose you liked that a bit too much" He sighs, holding his arm against his chest. I smile, breathing heavily and licking the blood off my lips. I look up at him, smiling still, when I feel a radiating pain starting in my heart and going outward. Its pulsing makes me want to scream as I curl into the fetal position and gasp, wishing for it to stop.

Suddenly, everything stops. The pain, the beating of my heart, my breathing. Everything. But I can still see, and feel, and hear, and think, and smell... I quickly sit up, looking at Lestat with wide eyes.

"Did I just die?" I ask quietly, innocently. Before Lestat can answer, I look past him to see a man in a long red coat, looking at me with a pleased expression.

"Your body did, you did not. You seemed to have handled the pain quite well" The other man says, stepping forward. "You may call me Marius, child. Welcome to the shadows, friend" He smiles kindly, looking over to Lestat. "I trust that you can teach her everything I taught you, Lestat." He says before disappearing through the window.

"I have much to show you, let's get started" He says, standing up and holding his hand out for me to take.

Welcome to the shadows?

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