Basically headcanons I wanted to show
Note: some of these will be sexual,some will be stupid,Some will be...I honestly don't know but I won't put warnings or whatever in the titles like in my hetalia Headcanons book,Just Read and laugh
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K I'm gonna do this 1.are you sexually active? No. far have you gotten with a guy/girl? A girl kissed me on accident,does that count? 3.have you ever been drunk? No,I'm underaged and it's forbidden in my religion 4.your biggest nightmare? I have many fears thing you can't live without Drawing keeps me sane 6.describe yourself in one word Sassy or tacos? Tacos 8.does hetero sex terrify you a bit? I don't know what that is...? 9.would you eat a dick-shaped candy for 10,000$ dollars in public and on national TV? My reputation is more worthy so nah 10.Have you ever been arrested? Never have,I'm a good citizen 11.biggest lie you told? Mom: where's your report card? Me: they're giving them out tomorrow*actually forgot it at school* 12.what is life? I like to think of it as a large sheet of paper and my emotions,skills and all the events that happened to me are my art tools god real? I'm Muslim,so yes,God IS real.
My questions: 1.Biggest regret? 2.your stuck in your fave anime characters body for 72 hours,what would you do? 3.least favorite fandom? 4.any phobias? 5.choose a country other than your homeland 6.fav anime/fandom? 7.fav video on YouTube? 8.Least fav subject in school? 9.what's the most badass thing you ever did? 10.dc or marvel? 11.your role model? 12.volley or basketball? accidentally summoned a demon/angel,your reaction?