Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

               "It's absolutely disgusting!" Louis yelled as he walked down the grand staircase, flailing his arms about in an overdramatic gesture.

               "Sweetie, lower your voice, we are in the house." His mother said, looking up from the dress that she was sewing from the finest silks. "What is absolutely disgusting?"

                Louis finished walking down the steps, and in front of his mother before he continued peaking again. He was so angry that his mouth was starting to go dry, and he just wanted to scream. Instead, he spoke calmly but bitterly.

                "There is a filthy peasant, right outside the gates of the kingdom. He's picking the fruit right off of our trees and bushes!" Louis explained, but by the end his voice was starting to raise in anger again.

                 "I told you, I don't like the word peasant, or calling him filthy. " Jay frowned at her eldest child, shaking her head. "I'm sure he's just hungry, and it's not like we were going to eat that fruit ourselves. It's probably a better idea if we get someone to pick it and deliver to some of the poorer people."

                 Louis mouth went wide, and he stared before making a 'harumph' noise and heading towards the door. He knew his mother was too kind to say anything, but as the king-in-training, he knew it was his duty to make sure nobody steals from their kingdom.

                 He slipped on his name-brand Toms, in the navy blue colour he loved, and was almost out the door before he realized that he was still in his pyjamas, and there was certainly no way he could leave the house without any pyjamas on.

               "Gosh, darn." Louis muttered, running up the steps ("Louis, don't run in the house." His mother had scolded, thought he didn't stop.)

                 He walked into his bedroom, shutting the door and quickly looking in his wardrobe. Everything was cleaned and ironed, ready to wear, and most of the clothes looked the same, but Louis knew what he wanted to wear.

                  He pulled out his favourite worn out pair of tan trousers, Chinos of course, and pulled them up onto his waist where they clung obscenely to his arse. He attatched his black braces, hooking them over his white shirt and letting out a breath of air.

                 This was the only outfit he owned that was casual, and he felt like it was a decoy. People might look at him for a moment, be distracted by the average clothes, but the second they looked at his face, they'd know he was royalty.

Or maybe he just liked the way his arse looked, not that it mattered right now. He was on a mission.

                He sprinted down the stairs and out the door, making sure to stop running once outside. He stood straight, and walked with grace down the kingdom's steps. The sun was almost shining- as much as it ever did in England.

                Louis couldn't see if the peasant was still there, but he hoped he was. Louis wanted to tell him exactly what he thought of his kind of people.


                Harry was in heaven, that had to be the only explanation to the bushes full of bright berries that scattered all over the castle walls.

                Normally, the berries wouldn't bloom for another month or so, but it didn't matter. The smile was wide on Harry's face, almost painfully wide, but he couldn't control it. He knew how much his mother loved blueberries, and his sister loved blackberries, so he was excited to bring them back to his family.

               It never even crossed his mind that it would be considered stealing, especially since he knew Queen Jay would give him all the berries if she could. Queen Jay was like an angel in Harry's eyes, so he figured there would be nothing wrong with taking a basketfull of berries.

                Harry had only eaten one for himself, a raspberry to be specific, that left a bittersweet taste in his mouth. He was saving the rest for his family, not wanting to be too greedy.

               He put them into his basket (Which was actually just an old bag he had found) and grabbed it by the handle, smiling and he turned around, before he ran into somebody and dropped the bag.

              "Oh, fuck! Sorry, I d-didn't mean to hit you, so sorry. Clumsy." Harry rambled as he tried to pick up the fallen berries.

"Ew." A high-pitched voice said, and Harry looked up, his eyes going wide. It was the bloody prince.

               Louis stared down at his previouly clean outfit, now noticing the small flecks of blue at the cuffs of his trousers. He groaned, before remembering that groaning wasn't very polite, so he just looked down at the boy, who was now kneeling.

                 "What do you think you're doing? Taking berries from my kingdom?" Louis asked, crossing his arms and standing tall, dominant.

                 "I.....What?" Harry asked, before shaking his head. "I mean...I just.....Sorry?" Harry looked down at the bag of berries, frowning deeply.

                Louis noticed how dirty the boy was, of course he did. The boy's hair, or what was peaking out of his beanie, was covered in dirt that clearly hadn't been washed in weeks. His clothes were old, and he smelled like he'd been digging through trash.

                Louis also noticed how young he was- probably only a year or two younger than him, but still too young to be this poor. He noticed the worry lines laughed into Harry's forehead, and the laugh lines around his eyes, and the sweat soaking through his already dirty shirt.

               "You do know this is....private property, right?" Louis stuttered, before reminding himself to speak like royalty.

               "It's....But I thought since it was outside the walls it'd be....Sorry." Harry shook his head, holding the bag out to Louis, who cringed and pointed to the ground, since there was no way he would touch that without gloves on.

               "No, it's not fine. Why don't you just go to one of the produce stands and buy something from there?" Louis asked, unsure of why he hadn't just told the boy to leave and walked away.

                 Harry laughed, before his eyes widened and he coughed to cover it up. "I don't have a single note....Certainly not enough money to feed my family."

                Frowning, Louis looked down at him before back at the castle. Louis couldn't even imagine not having enough money to buy fucking berries, and something inside him just churned to help the boy, even if he was just a filthy peasant.

               "Well, fine. Take the berries. But don't you dare tell anyone that I talked to you. " Louis reprimanded, turning on his heel and heading back towards the kingdom, when he heard the deep, gravelly voice.

"Thank you, Prince Louis, you are so, so very kind."

                And well, those words had never been used to describe Louis before. Ever. Even his mother told him he was selfish, and very rude to people beneath him. But here was a peasant, thanking him for his generosity.

                  "You know what? You can take as many berries as you want, any time you want." And it felt good for Louis to know that someone thought he was nice.

Even if he was only being nice for selfish reasons, since Louis knew he was anything but nice.

Peasant Boy (Prince!Louis and Peasant!Harry)Where stories live. Discover now