Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"And he just let you take them?" Anne asked slowly as she hesitantly took a berry from the bag and tossed it into her dry lips.

"Yes- and he was so sweet about it! He said I could take some whenever needed! Everyone has Prince Louis all wrong." Harry spoke softly and shook his head.

They were sitting at a small picnic bench under a barely-there shelter at the park. It was used for parties but for tonight it would be there home.

"I still think he's a right selfish lad." Gemma said as she ate her own section of berries.

Harry had split the berries I to two even groups so his mum and sister had plenty. He'd eaten one or two on the way home but he knew he would be able to survive a bit longer without food than they would, especially since his mother was still desperately looking for a job anywhere she could.

"He isn't, Gems. He was so nice." Harry sighed softy and took off his beanie and placed it on his mum's head. "He was so sweet." Harry repeated.

He didn't tell them how cute the prince was, or how he was much shorter than he expected, or how he smelled like royalty because Harry knew they knew all these things but didn't care.

Harry felt like he had been blessed today. He's gotten food and a new dress and met the prince, and so he decided to go to bed early so he could go early tomorrow to the castle and pick some berries for the other families in their area that he knew needed them.

There was only enough room for two people under the picnic table so Harry let the girls have it and he laid on top of it. He didn't mind- the wind chill was low tonight and he knew it could be much worse than it was, so he had no reason to complain.

He slept reasonably well for the position he was in, and the next morning Harry kissed his mum's forehead and shrugged off his skimpy coat, laying it over Gemma for extra warmth the next morning before he headed out.

It wasn't even 5 am yet but Harry knew it was a long walk across town and he prayed he wouldn't get sick today.
"This isn't even Yorkshire!" Louis screamed as he was gently woken up at 9, being handed a warm cuppa and his favourite breakfast of an egg toastie.

The older lady just curtseyed and apologized. "I'm so sorry sir but we've ran out and the roads were too windy for the carriage to come today." She said softly.

Louis groaned out and waved her out of his room. He didn't think it was acceptable but he was too early to throw a fit but he refused to drink the tea and ate his toastie with his orange juice instead.

"Sweetie, me and Charlotte are heading out. We're giving out some blankets to some of the homeless." His mum said softly. "Want to come with?" Jay asked but knew Louis would say no.

Louis just rolled his eyes and waved her off, before standing and kissing her cheek. "Be safe mum. Those peasants are filthy." He wRned and Jay shook her head before leaving.

Louis walked back to his bed before he felt the cold wind shaking at his window that must have accident been left open last night. He walked himself over af slammed it shut when he saw rain slamming down and through the ran he saw a blurry blob.

Normally he would have ignored it but he still had the pretty boy on his mind so he walked onto his balcony, thankful it had a covering, and slipped his glasses on to see that it /was/ the boy from yesterday and he certainly wasn't dressed for the storming weather Nd he probably shouldn't be out.

Louis watched as the boy continues to pick berries as if nothing was happening but Louis could see that his cheeks were red and his hair soaking.

So he had his servants go outside and get the boy, Louis greeting him at the door.

"You're such an idiot, it's pouring rain, you've got hypothermia. What were you thinking?" Louis screamed at Harry at the top I his lungs as the boy stood just inside the building and smiled weakly.

"You have such a lovely house, sir. And a pretty voice."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16, 2015 ⏰

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