pastel punk

276 2 3

In this there both 16 because I say so. This hasn't ben edeted yet soo Yea

So I walk into my classroom 5 minutes late and slowly every head it turns to me. I hear someone gasp and there's a girl in the back of the room covering her mouth.

I just roll my eyes.

Should of expected that. I mean I moved into a town where nothing ever happened. You walking to school wearing your leather jacket black shoes black worn jeans with tons ripped and to many zippers and buckles and black boots with pretty much the same problem.

Pretty much everyone else in the room looks like they got their clothes from some fancy store that you can't pronounce the name. What else should I have expected it this is a school for the rich kids. You know the ones you can sit on their butts all day and not have to work one day of there life.

"Ummm Mr. Solstice would you mind picking your seat" the teacher says

I scan the room for a place to sit. There was one in the corner of the back of the left side of the room. Which I was perfectly fine with.

I walked over and took my seat feeling people stare at me all the way. I almost stopped and said some pretty hurtful comment I probably would have regretted. Almost.

I made a promise not to get kicked out of another school. Going to break that promise. Well not yet anyway.

I sit down next to this boy. He was wearing a orange, red, and yellow plastic flowe crown. That sat lightly on his ravin hair. He was wereing a shirt that looked like dry paint was thrown at it, with a cute gost saying in a space bubble "Why dose everyone run away from me." His Jens were worn orang pastel with a few rips from wair and tair. On his feet he was wereing a pair of worn pastel blue chucks.

Oh his chair was an old back pack with a Musick nite patern all over it. Oh his desk was a binder with a carton calculate r and roller. He also had a Starbucks cup on the corner away from his math work.

"Hey I'm Will," i say getting out my plain blue binder, and placing it down on my desk starting to writhe the notes.

He looks at me, he has perfectly winged eyeliner, and eyes shadow. He could make all the girls at my old school look like the had no skill.

"Hi. I'm Nico," he says looking at me and smiling. He's eyes were so dark brown they almost looked black. "Are you new here. I don't think I've seen you around?"

" Yea I just started here today. I don't reley know anyone yet." I say lookin down an start tapping my favret song. Time of your life by green day.

"Can I see your schedule?" He asks. Looking up at me, completely unfazed by the percing's, or the usual look of anoince on my face.

"Yea schor," I say digging through my bag. "Here it is."

He examines it fore a bit. Then looks up at me and smiles. " We have the same classes. So I can show you around. It's not like anyone else is jupping at the apertuaty," he said still smiling and gesturing to the class.

"That would be grate thank you Nico." He passed the scedual back over. We sit in a comfortable silence. The next ball rang and I had english. I Allred had all my stuff so I just flalowed Nico as he pulled me through the halls dogging people with stream grace, and speed.

Forgetting that I'm taller and way more clumsy. I trip over mutipull people feet, and get hit it the head a few time.

Suprisingley he wasn't angry. He just had a head ack. That happend fore each of there next classes till lunch, and each time Nico pulled out a new cute binder with a desine fore each class.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2016 ⏰

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