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I'm driving my car on our way back to the mansion while Agent C.M is following us from behind. Michelle is sitting quietly on the passenger seat in front with me. I really can't believe what happened a while ago, some men chased us and even asked us about a disc. I look at Michelle and she looks back at me

" Do you have any idea what kind of disc they are looking?" I asked her while keeping my eyes on the road then to Michelle

" That's what I'm going to ask you. I thought they are after our properties so what's with the disc?" I shrug my shoulder at her then look at my side mirror again

"Maybe they mistake you for someone, Pez.." I raised an eyebrow at my cousin, how could she think of that?!

"They called me Miss Edwards if you didn't hear that!"

"I know but you're not the only Edwards around here.." I turn to my left and almost at the mansion, I'm thinking if this bodyguard of ours already called my father

"Do you think Dad already knows?" I asked Michelle, she sighs and look outside the window

"Maybe yes, maybe not. I told you to wait for her but you're not listening to me!"

"So you're blaming me on this one? It's her fault anyway" I answered and stop the car on the side of the road, I saw Agent Thirlwall stops too and walks towards our car, she knocks on the window while I rolled it down

"Any problem babe?" she asked me, I scrunch my nose for the term of endearment she used

"I'm not your babe, I have a name and it's Miss Edwards to you.." she smiles at me and look down on the floor for a moment then looks at me again

"Is there a problem MISS EDWARDS" she asked again emphasizing the last word

"We're just wondering if you already called Uncle Jonah and told him what happened." Michelle asked, first this midget bodyguard of ours looks at my cousin then to me

"I haven't called him yet, I don't know what will I'll tell him but maybe Mr. Anderson already informed him that you guys went out without me." I open my mouth to say something but she cuts me off

"And this is your fault Miss Edwards."

"My fault?! How come is it my fault?!" while pointing at myself with a big shock on my face

"See? Told you it's your fault." I heard Michelle said and I looks at her, she leans her back on her seat and smiles at me

"This is your fault and not mine! If you just came back as soon as possible, we wouldn't go out without you!"

"Anyways, I need you to drive again and we'll talk about this when we get to the mansion." She winks at me and starts to walk away from my car

"That jerk! Who she thinks she is blaming me for what happened!" I said and closed the window again, I heard my cousin giggles and I shot her a deadly glare. For the next minutes, me and Michelle had been quiet until we reach our mansion. I saw Mr. Anderson waiting for us and by the look on his face, I know he already told Dad

*I'm so fucking dead! First some men chased us and now my dad knows we went out without our bodyguard* I told myself as we walk towards the library where my Dad is waiting, Thirlwall is walking ahead of us and keeps on looking at me with a smirk on her face

'Remind me to swipe that smirk off her face one of this day!' I whispered to Michelle who just laughs at me

'If you can do it. I saw you blushing a while ago when she called you 'babe' '

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