Chapter Seven

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Welp. This is a rare photo of Lea.

Beautiful isn't she? No green eyes I get it. But Anyways.

Sorry for slow updates. Y'all know it's summer Time bout to be litty 😭🙌

Enjoy Babes.


Quincy has never said he fell in love with Lea but him thinking about it all the time was weird in a way.

He never thought he will fall in love with someone that quickly, not saying it was a mistake but it happened so quick with what everything that was going on in his life and how he was suppose to process It all by himself.

He knew he had the potential to love someone but not as beautiful and delicate as her.

He enjoyed the last few moments he had with her last time he had spent time with her. But he hadn't seen her in a couple days which worried him, because he didn't want to scare her away and would cause them from being around each other.

His mother had told him about women and what they bring to the table but he never understood until he met.....Brianna

Once the love of his life. His heartbeat. He thought he couldn't live without her until....

"Quincy baby you want to go out with me and the girls and their guys" Brianna said coming out of the bathroom, seeming she wanted to be attacked by him.

She hadn't looked this good since he didn't know when.

"Um. Not today I'm kind of not in the mood"

"Well..... okay. Bye" She kissed the corner of his lips

He hadn't been going out much because he really wasn't a peoples person and Brianna had known but always asked because she wanted him to feel comfortable around others.

He didn't even want to be seen in public because his famous family affairs and he knew what will happen if he went out to the public. PUBLICITY.

He hadn't like publicity because they always made up ridiculous stories.

So he let her have her girls day to herself & to be alone.

Every time he would go out, he will only go to his mothers house to speak to her .

He had been on his way to his mothers house that same night.

He arrived at his moms and knocked on the door.

"Hey baby what's wrong.....? "

"Why would you think some things wrong?" He hugged her tightly

"I don't know you never came over this late"

He hadn't known it was that late but he needed to come over because it was urgent but he didn't want to tell her that.

"Well I want to talk to you about something"

"I knew it just tell me" as they both sat on the couch

"Well me and Brianna have been great but haven't really been eye to eye on certain things like going out and such & I feel like she goes out all the time to the point where we don't get to spend time together"

"Look son do what makes you happy and you know I want to see you happy always. It'll get better if you make it " she rubbed his back soothingly

"I mean you are right. I should but how?"

"Listen to your heart. Follow what you believe in, okay."

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