Chapter 6: 5 Years Later.......

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Okay, I'm dedicating this chapter to NyjahChaney because one of my people I see that comment, and vote on this book. Thank you girl! :)


5 Years Later........

I leave my office, and walk to the elevator. I wait impatiently wait for it to reach my destination. Yeah, did I mention I don't sing anymore?

Well, I do. It's just that know that I have a child it's hard for me to do the traveling, fans, and touring. Maybe when he's a little older.

Now I did not have a kid. I'll tell y'all what happened.


After running away from Trey and the rest of everybody that was there, I went home. Well, it isn't going to be my home anymore. I'm moving out, because it's me and Trey's home. Well, now his home.

I get out of the taxi, and run inside. I start packing all of my stuff. All the important stuff. I can get the rest of my clothes and everything later. I just don't want Trey to come and try to convince me to stay.

I drag all my belongings downstairs, and look around the place one more time. I'm going to miss it, I really am.

I grabbed the suitcases I had, and walked outside. I opened the garage, and got in my car. I put everything in the back and drove off. I just wanted to drive around, clear my head a bit.

I'm passing through a neighborhood, when I hear crying. I turned my head and see a little kid all by himself. That ain't right, and he don't look no more then the age of 8.

I parked on the side of the curb, and got out of the car. I ran over to the little boy, and kneeled down infront of him. I looked at his face and saw a black eye. His lip was busted and he had a cut under his eye. I almost cried when I saw it. Who could do this to a little a boy?

" Who did this to you? " I asked, rubbing his face.

He flinched before answering me, " M-m-my step dad. "

" Where's your mom? "

" She left. "

" She left where? "

" I don't know, she just left us. "

" Well, come on. I'm going to take you to get cleaned up. "

" No. "

I looked at him in disbelief. Why wouldn't he want to come with me? Ohhhh, he thought I was going to hurt him.

" I'm not going to hurt you, I promise. I just want to help you. Will you come with me please? "

He hesitated before nodding his head. I grabbed his hand, and led him over to my car. I put him in the back, and got in the car. I drove to my mom and dad's house.

The ride was silent, except for the sniffling from him. I wanted to know who his mother was and slap the shit out of her for abandoning her child like that. No mother should do that, no matter what.

I parked in my mom's drive way. Then got out of the car, and waited for him to get out.

" What's your name? " I asked him.

" Damoni Richards. " He said shyly.

" Okay Damoni, Let's go. "

We walked up to my moms door, and knocked. After a while, my dad opened the door.

" Hey S- What happened to him? " He asked, looking down at Damoni.

" Can we clean him up first? " I said, walking inside and guiding Damoni to the nearest bathroom.

What Happened To Us? ( Sequel To: Moving On To Something Better )Where stories live. Discover now