Chapter 10: I Can't Believe This

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I woke up to Michael next to me with his arms wrapped around me. I pulled them off of me and walked in bathroom. I brushed my teeth before I turned on the water and got in the shower. I thought about last night and smiled. He had a long- You know what were not going to get into that.

Damoni is coming back today, and I hope he's not mad anymore. What am I talking about he's as stubborn as me and that's really bad. I guess I'll just have to talk to him. I know that Lamont is coming back with him. Fuck, the waters cold.

I got out of the shower in a hurry and wrapped a towel around me. I walked back in my room and Michael was gone. I raised my eyebrow and knew I was about to get pissed. I walked in my closet and changed quickly into some sweats and a shirt. I walked downstairs and he wasn't in the living room or kitchen. I checked the rest of the house and even the backyard. Where the fuck is this nigga at? I know that he didn't just try to hit and quit it. I was really giving this nigga a chance. I swear I'm going to beat his ass. I knew I sho-

I didn't get to finish my sentence because I was running to the bathroom to throw up. I sat in front of the towel, and puked up whatever I had last night. I wiped my mouth and ran upstairs to brush my teeth. I picked up my phone and called his number.

No answer.

I called again, and again, and again. Until I had called him 10 times.

And still no fucking answer.

I squeezed my phone before throwing it on my bed and screamed. Why did he leave? No why did he leave right after having sex with me? Sure, he was there til the morning but he couldn't have at least stayed to tell me that he wasn't just fucking me.

I jumped on the bed and picked up my phone. My mouth went dry, and I stared at the screen.

I had called Trey.

Why did I still have his number?

" Hello, hello? Are you there? Shaniqua are you there? " He spoke, but I couldn't answer.

I heard him sigh before he hung up, and I blinked. I could feel all the oxygen come back inside my body. Then I started to cry. I realized how much I missed his voice. How it use to soothe me when I couldn't deal with the world.

I still love-

No I don't. I don't love Trey, I cant and I wont. I will not allow myself to think that.

" But you do still love him and theres nothing that's going to change that honey. "

So now my Grandma decides to talk to me? Whatever. I haven't even talked to me family really. Only to Latisha. She's the only one I talk to anymore. I just felt like I needed to be on my own for a while. I know that they're coming over here for Thanksgiving thought. I can't escape them even if I wanted to.

I talked recently to my brother though. Damoni loves him. Marcus was like a dad to Damoni, and he was always there for him. He helped me when I couldn't get a job, or any clothes for Damoni. I was struggling real hard in the beginning, but I'm okay now.

I tried to block out my grandma talking as I went down stairs, and out of my house. I got in my car and drove off to Michaels house. I drove into his driveway and ran to his door. I knocked on it, and waited patiently. I knew that he was home because his car was here. I'm not no fool, and I'm not going to be treated like one.

Michaels POV

I had left Shaniquas house after she had got in the shower. Honestly, I dont want a relation ship with her. She has my step-son, that little bastard. His mom was a bitch too. She just left me with her son, and never came back.

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