Chapter 2

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Tara loved this part. She knew that she would be the start of the next chapter. Before she could understand what was happening, she was instantly transported into the story.


She was inside of the story. More specifically, in a bedroom. The bedroom was very colorful. There was a bed with a pink comforter in the back corner of the room, a wooden nightstand next to the bed, and a white wooden desk on the opposite side of the room. There were various posters of musical artists lining the lavender walls. Tara smiled every time she entered this room; it was practically her second home.

Tara knew that the author was controlling her actions, but she didn't mind. It was real to her. Tara had been in many different stories, but this story was her favorite. This story is about a girl and her talking dog. There are many similar stories, and this one is exactly the same as the others. Somehow, the author managed to pull through.

"You know, you could've given me some of that chicken, but nooooo. What a waste." The dog said. Tara rolled her eyes.

 "Sid, you know I can't do that. I just- I can't break the family rules, okay?" The dog huffed. Tara secretly wanted to sneak Sid into the Chamber, but she would definitely be caught. Under no circumstances are pets allowed to be in the Chamber. Dog fur inside of someone's head would feel extremely uncomfortable.

The story continued for hours before Tara's next break. As soon as the clock read 11:00, Tara was transported back into the Chamber. "Tara? Tara! Oh, I brought your um... Your coffee! Yeah, that's what I brought." Lenora gave Tara an awkward smile as she handed Tara her coffee.

 "Thanks," Tara said, "but you didn't have to." Lenora didn't answer, but she hurried back to the staff room. Assistants never appeared in stories, but stories would be nothing without them.

Tara sat drinking her coffee. She never really did anything during her breaks. Her next break would be in a couple of hours, so she could wait. "Alright! Everyone, get in your places!" Mr. Rotcerid said. Before Tara could even stand, Lenora appeared and took the empty cup of coffee.

"Could you be any slower?" Mr. Rotcerid criticized.

"Actually, I could be. Want to see?" Tara responded.

"No, because that would be a huge waste of my time, and you have a story to star in. So get out of here!"

"Geez, I'm going. You don't have to be so rude about it."

"If I was nice all the time, nothing would get done around here!"

"Fair enough." And with that, Tara went back into the story.

"Hey! Tara, get in here!" Her father shouted, "I need to tell you something!" Tara sighed. Her father, Edward, always had a story to tell. It was usually something dumb like sports or Hollywood gossip. As Tara made her way to the kitchen, she recognized a second voice. She entered the kitchen and approached the group sitting at the kitchen table.

"Uncle Mason?" Tara questioned.

"Tara, say hi to your uncle."

"Hi!" Tara replied.

"It's been a long while," Mason said, "and I think it's about time for you to meet your cousin. Krystal, say hi." Krystal was too busy texting on her phone and listening to music to notice anything. Instead of speaking, Mason looked at Krystal expectantly. After a few minutes of silence, Krystal looked up from her phone.

"God, what the hell do you want?" She asked.

"Hey, that's rude." Mason said, "But I'd say the same thing, so it's okay."


"Say hello to your cousin."

"Wait, I have a cousin?" Krystal asked. Mason sighed, clearly annoyed. "Krystal, I talked about your cousin while we were driving here."

"Would now be a good time to tell you that I wasn't listening to what you were saying?"

"I don't care, but at least say hi to your cousin!"

"Oh, yeah." Krystal looked at Tara. Krystal had dark brown hair and striking blue eyes. Tara looked similar, yet different. They had the same eyes and face, but Tara sported red hair and her skin tone was a few shades lighter than Krystal's. So similar, yet so different.

Krystal left the table and approached Tara. "Hi," she said, "I'm Krystal."

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