XV:What a crazy day!

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Jarlee POV

We stopped playing after a while and now we were just talking.

Katelyn and white haired boy were downstairs talking also. Keana was on a rant about the light brown haired boy apparently named Laurence. She was saying us stuff like "you don't think he's cute?" And "how can you not like him"

Travis POV

I was downstairs with Katelyn when my phone rang. Katelyn was in the middle of a story.

I saw the call was from my boss. I turned down the volume and listened to the rest of katelyn's story. That's what a nice boyfriend like me does. Technically I'm not her boyfriend..yet!

I asked, "Katelyn can I take you on a date?" She answered, "okay..free food?" I giggled, "hehe yup!!" "Yay! Pick me up tomorrow. Byeee!!" She told me. I was so excited. Then, I got a text from Laurence.

{L-Laurence T-Travis}

{ZText StartZ}

L-That little girl. Lola right?

T- yeah but call her Keana. What about her

L- does she have a staring problem

T- I don't know. Why?

L- She kept staring at me

T- Laurence and Keana sitting in a tree....~

L- Travis. Don't do this.

T- K-i-s-s-i..

L- Travis be glad I texted you and no one else. Haha

T- come over. I'm at the new apartment I rented. I'll invite Keana and her friends!

L- woopie...

{ZText EndZ}

~Said time skip to Travis' apartment~

Keana POV

Travis invited us over to his apartment and Katelyn let us go. He said he had a special visitor.

We knocked on the door. Travis opened it and let us in. I saw the light brown haired boy and screamed a happy scream.

Laurence POV

Keana looked at me, smiled then screamed. Well more like squealed. Then she ran up to me and hugged my legs. Her friends were fangirling in the background.

I was surprised and shocked. I wasn't expecting that. Hehe.

She was still hugging me and I couldn't go anywhere. I tried walking to a get a snack but she was stuck on like glue. I thought of a way to get her off, "Hey Keana-" she squealed cutting me off.

After she finished squealing I continued, "I bought a welcome home gift for you and I never got to give it to you. It's at my house. Can I go and get it?" She nodded yes and I drove off as fast as I could to the store.

The closest store was an electronic store. I looked around. She already has a ds. A WII would probably be to boring for her. The xboxes and play stations were out of stock. The only thing left were phones. That's perfect.

The jealousy truth~Travlyn [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now