XXII: Wedding! Part 1

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Katelyn POV

I told lucinda sternly with clenched teeth, "Get out of my face. And get out of my town. All you've done is cause trouble and break people's heart then make them hate you," I pointed to Dante, Garroth, and Travis who were all glaring at her, "Now, if you think you're still welcomed here. YOURE NOT!"

She must have been scared because she was shivering more than a wet chihuahua on a cold day. "Go" I pointed to the door. With that she left. "Oh thank you Katelyn~sama! Kawaii~chan couldn't be happier. Oh! Zane~kun!" Kawaii~chan thanked. Zane answered Kawaii~chan nicely, "Yes?"

"Could we have one more thing for our wedding please!"

"Okay." Zane answered. "Yay Kawaii~chan will go get it from the car~!"

Kawaii~chan came back with a piñata that looked like someone familiar. It was...Lucinda?! Did she know Lucinda was going to be mean? "Um Kawaii~chan when did you get that?" I asked. "Oh when Katelyn~sama was screeching at Lucinda~chan, Kawaii~chan ordered it. Kawaii~chan knows you wanted to punch Lucinda so she got a piñata! Second closest thing" Kawaii~chan answered. I thanked her, "Thanks Kawaii~chan! Means a lot" She smiled at me then changed some of the way the decorations looked on the stage.

(I just randomly own this XD)

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(I just randomly own this XD)

I was very bored. Travis looked bored also so I decided to talk to him. "Hey. Ya bored too?" I asked.

He answered, "Yeah," he paused, "Now don't think I'm weird for this but-"

"I already think your weird" I interrupted.

"No I was going to ask, do you think you'll get married?"

"Yes. But no kids because I already look after three children" he smiled at me. I lightly smiled back and turned my attention to rehearsals.

Kawaii~chan put a green light on the cat and told me and Travis to stand at the door where Keana, Jarlee, and Gavin were. We walked to the middle of the cat where the green light was. Everyone else did that too. Then Keana and Jarlee again. After that came Gavin. We did this for the next two hours.

Kawaii~chan POV

Kawaii~chan's wedding is in just one hour! Oh she's so happy! Kawaii~chan turned to look at Galaxy~chan. She was talking to Garroth. Kawaii~chan realized how much they have been talking since we found her. Kawaii~chan smirked at that. What makes it even better is that Kawaii~chan can make a new ship about this! She can even make a shrine!

The best thing is is that Zane~kun said Kawaii~chan could use the basement and the attic for her shrines! And the attic and basement are huge! If Kawaii~chan just gets large peices of wood and cuts door holes through them and put them up, she can have multiple shrines in one room! That sounds like a lot of work though. Kawaii~chan will just make Zane~kun do it. Hehe.

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