♡ Love ♡

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Marrie came running towards us.

"Oh my God! Oh my God! What have you done!??" She panicked over that ugly drunkard who was scurrying away from us in his bewilderment. Then she turned around and held the feeble hand of Hazel who was bent over me for support. Tears brimmed in her eyes.

"She won't listen to me. You have done this to her. I hate you." The words were out without any hesitation. My heart squeezed tight. Destruction; I had always done this to her.

"Out." I craned my neck towards the door as I scooped Hazel in my arms. She was light as a feather. Making my way through the people, I reached the door of the club and turned around, gesturing Marrie to open it.

Once we were out of all the mess into the fresh air of the night, I carried my girl to my car and settled her down in the front seat. I buckled the seat belt across her and then turned around. Marrie was standing behind me with her arms crossed in front of her. Her eyes were squinted speculatively as the light from the lamp post reflected her features.

"What do you think you are doing?" She spoke each and every word very slowly.

"I'm taking her home." I replied quietly. I knew this was not going to be easy because fortunately, Hazel had a guardian angel to fight for her. 

"This was not the plan." She stated.

"What was the plan?" I stressed on the was.

"She is supposed to stay the night at my place. Her mother knows." She angled her chin towards Hazel.

Everything became clear now as the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle came together and made the whole picture accurately displayed. Hazel was defying her mother for me. Damn.

"Does it matter where she stays?" I spoke out confidently.

Her eyes widened in response as she let the idea set in. She was about to say something when I interrupted her in between.

"No. I won't hurt her. Nothing like that. Promise. I'll return her safely." I hated how my voice came out so eager.

"I don't trust you with her." She stated bluntly regardless of how I would feel.

"You have my word." I tried to reason.

"I don't even know where you live, just in case.." She reflected her insecurity.

I gave her my address. She saved it in her cell phone.

"Her mother needs to know in the morning that she's alright and enjoying herself with me. Understood?" She was being a bit bossy and I felt really uncomfortable. Nonetheless, I still respected her for being so protective of the only person who meant the world to me.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Listen to me, Roxen Dale. She's my friend and friends are warriors when it comes to the safety of one another. You know that?" She took one step forward.

"I have no friends." I shook my head.

She was taken back by my answer. I could see it in her eyes, still she maintained her posture.

"That's okay. You'll have them soon. I'm doing this favor to you not because I trust you but because of what I see in your eyes for her. There's a fine line between lust and love. Just so you know. If you cross that line..." Her eyes burned with warning so she left the sentence incomplete.

"What do you see in my eyes for her?" I whispered. My heart had picked up pace. I worried about how she was going to judge me but I wanted to give her a chance to see what I had been holding in my heart for so long. I desperately desired someone to know it other than me since man is a social animal and needs the approval of the people around him. No matter how strong I was, I still needed someone to check if I was right in the evaluation of myself or not.

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