part 9

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Birthdays weren't celebrated here at the Base; in fact you were sure that because of this everyone forgot that their special day even existed. This didn't come as a shock to you but it did make you think, what about Kylo Ren or Hux, did they have birthdays? You remember Kylo telling you about his past so you were positive he had a birthday. With that it was time to begin your plan.


After digging around and annoying General Hux into giving you some information you found out his birthday was tomorrow! With no time to lose you power walked across Star Killer base till you found the woman you were looking for, Captain Phasma.

It wasn't hard to find Captain Phasma, you found her in a training room ordering a new few Storm troopers around, you waited for her to finish instructing them and once they were gone you stride up to her.

"Excuse me, Captain?" You called coming up behind her; she turned around and looked down at you.

"What is it [Y/n]?" She asked and you cleared your throat, standing up taller.

"Captain, you're aware that it is Kylo Ren's day of birth?" You ask.

"...Such things aren't celebrated here [y/n] but yes, I am aware. Why are you telling me this child?" She responds a tone of curiosity in her voice.

You clasp your hands together and smile faintly, "Well Captain, I would like your help in making a card for Kylo."

Captain Phasma was silent for a moment before responding with a bored tone.

"And why would I help you with that? I am busy you know and such a silly thing is a waste of time."

You frowned a bit and sighed, looking at her with pleading eyes. "I know Captain but please! I would like to do something for Kylo and you're the only one who I can trust to tell of my plans!"

You stuck out your bottom lip in a pout and Captain Phasma sighed softly before responding with a nod and you grinned.

"What is it that you want to do exactly?" Captain Phasma asked, setting down some paper and a pencil in front of you.

You thought for a moment before snapping your fingers in triumph. "Tell him how I feel! About how he's my role model and that he's great, then at the bottom it'll say happy birthday!"

She scoffed quietly, "Telling him how great he is? That's sure to help his ego."

You giggled softly as you folded the paper to look like a card and began writing.


Happy Birthday to the strongest guy I know, Thank you for teaching me your ways.


Underneath the writing you had drawn a small picture of Kylo with his light saber drawn along with you beside in. It wasn't much but you were satisfied with it and you showed it to Captain Phasma who nodded in approval.

"That's a pretty good drawing [y/n]. Good job." She praised and you grinned.

"Can you sign it on the side, so he'll know you helped?" You asked and she grabbed the pencil from your hand.

"Perhaps I shall." She replied and you beamed brightly.

"Thank you Captain! You're dismissed." You told her and she laughed quietly, ruffling your [h/c] locks gently before turning and making her leave.

Now what was left to do was to give it to Kylo and so you were off.

Not long after leaving your room you spotted Kylo walking down a hall and you rushed towards him.

"Kylo!" You called out as you ran up to him, he stopped in his path and turned looking down at you.

"What is it?" He asked a hint of curiosity in his robotic voice. You held the card up to him, a blush on your cheeks.

"Captain Phasma helped me make this for you since I found out today's your birthday." You replied watching Kylo in anticipation as he opened the card. What was minutes felt like hours as you looked at his mask in silence till he spoke.

"...Thank you [y/n], I love it."He said softly to you and you beamed up at him as he ruffled your already messy [h/c] locks.

"I have the rest of the day off, why don't you spend the day with me? That can be my 'gift' today." He said with a quiet laugh as you grabbed his hand in yours, glaring at Storm Troopers who lingered their gaze in yours and Kylo's direction.

"I'd be happy to."


Kylo Ren x Child! Reader [not romantic]Where stories live. Discover now